

Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal angery5


This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #115551 Score: 0


    ingame name:negramata
    when where you banned:7/19/15
    why where you banned:i dont know
    who banned you:i dont know
    why do you think you should be unbanned:Because i love the server and this is the best server in my life.


    #115600 Score: 0


    Forgive me for being a few rude but, Do you really don’t know where are you banned?
    And the reason is a lttle… Simple? I don’t believe you will be banned if you don’t tell the mods Where are you banned, and a good reason…

    #115610 Score: 0


    I believe this is an invalid ban appeal.

    -Two ingame names?

    -You don’t know/didn’t type where you were banned.

    #115615 Score: 0


    Hmm assuming he did this in factions part of the forums, I think he is banned in factions? That’s just me though xD

    #115616 Score: 0


    This is A Invalid Ban Appeal You only supposed to have 1 person to get Unbanned Then make a Account Angery5 and make him a ban appeal, Its Ok if you don’t know who banned you or why you were banned its mostly because you hacked Like me BearPVP So here would be a Example for a ban Appeal
    IGN: Bears
    When you were banned: 7/20/15
    Why were you banned: Hacks or I Don’t know this is a high chance of hacks
    Who Banned I did this because of my favorite Admin on Mg Beijimon
    Why do you think you should be Unbanned That one for you Is Incorrect It should have a High chance and that means a High chance of Getting Declined and Still banned

    #115621 Score: 0


    This might be a glitch ban, dont jump to conclusions…

    #117870 Score: 0



    #121089 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Your ip might have been banned due to hackers in your “cafe” that plays there.

    None of your usernames are banned.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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