Annoying spawn towns


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  cookie_monst3r 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #23900 Score: 0


    Narnia has been developing a huge part of there town RIGHT next to spawn. You cant walk in the dirrection of pvp hill without hitting the town. Also, an very long rode leading from their main town passes by many other towns (including a claim of mine). If you look on dynamic map then you will clearly see that its an enourmous trail of claimed land. Not only is it ugly, it prevents other towns from developing in the dirrection of it.



    #23911 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Do /townyadmin town narnia delete

    #23913 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Lol… key word is ‘admin,’ that’s the only people who can use it

    #23914 Score: 0


    Trollson, all im saying is that they neeed to stop with the looooooong road that goes from their main town to the place near spawn. Also like i said, it keeps other towns from developing.

    #23915 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Don’t worry, in 6 days, for people who have small outposts or long snail trails are going to get unclaimed

    #23916 Score: 0


    Does this mean my outposts are going to get unclaimed? They are a good size (not small)

    #23919 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Lol skills I am fully aware that /townyadmin is an admin command. So is /townyadmin purge (#) and among many others. I was just joking xD

    #23925 Score: 0


    shiz.. me and minerboy cant play at the moment… ill be able to play by fri, (i am cookie_mons3r) but could u possibly tell ttram to get rid of our tunnel to bornttown? cuz if not there is no way of saving minepad and ive invested sssoooooo uch into that city and i dont want to see it go to waste…  please save minepad!!!


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