Annoying Takoball


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #23448 Score: 0


    I live in the town Aldin, and every now and then I try to open a door I placed to get outside. But it says it’s locked with a spell. I ended up typing  /cinfo and it said that the owner of the protection of the door was takoball. I don’t know if he’s in my town, but either way he can’t destroy stuff in my plot. Even if he’s if he’s an admin or something that can destroy in that area, (which I doubt he is) he needs to stop.

    #23452 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    ok so whats happing is when you placed your Door/Doors they didnt lock so all Tako has done is /locked them. It normal locks doors,chests and signs automatically for me but it must not do it for you so u will need a mod expert or higher to /unlock all your stuff that tako has locked then u need to go around and /lock   everything chests doors ect

    Hope this helps Gra0067

    #23453 Score: 0


    takoballball dosent live in my town. Mods give him some sort of tag or something when he gets unbanned. Hes constantly annoying towns and there residents.



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