Another Mod Abusing Powers.


Home Forums Prison Reports Another Mod Abusing Powers.

This topic contains 33 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #109086 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hey guys Tavon1924 :)

    I think I have another abusing on our hands :O
    Within 24hours Leonard901’s Mod app was Closed for what? No idea. The Mod week wasn’t even 2 weeks old and it was Closed. Now Mods can’t take down Topics without saying something to it. Even a Deny would help. I just see this as another Abuse and ofc the Prison Mod team will try to save there selfs and say sorry without any actions took. 😀
    I mainly don’t play the whole ” Sorry about that, we’ll try to talk to the Mod who done this. Thank you for Reporting. :) ” No thanks. Not about all that right now. I’m just trying to be a good Big brother and stand up for him that’s all mainly. Funny thing is that my friend here @WitherPlaysMc, made a Topic just like this one not to long ago. :)

    Here is the topic / Proof of it being Closed without any words. :)

    #109088 Score: 0

    41 pts

    All I gotta say is of course Wither would be mentioned in this sort of topic.

    #109097 Score: 0

    2 pts

    1. Accidents happen.
    2. “No actions will be taken” Do you have proof for this statement? Are you a mod and can you see what goes on within the team? Nope.
    3. Though whoever closed it may have forgotten to leave a reply, it was denied.
    4. You want to be the admin here then go ahead, tell us what to do since you think you know best.
    5. Also since we have stated that we are going to make a change in how we close topics, we cannot change what we did in the past. You can only complain about events that happen after we said we were going to try to give statements as to why threads were closed.
    6. How is forgetting to leave a reply abuse? “Oh look a mod made a mistake, lets all call abuse and claim mods are corrupt. Ffs we make mistakes, how many times have we told you that. And

    Definition of ABUSE

    : a corrupt practice or custom
    : improper or excessive use or treatment : misuse

    So claiming abuse is uncalled for since the incident was non intentional.
    Im pretty sure the term accident fits better with this stuff.
    An event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause.

    #109098 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Regarding leonard901’s Mod Application, it is answered now. Sorry for the inconvinience.

    Edit: Trollson already gave all the possible reasons above just to let you know.

    Tavon1924 said:
    “ofc the Prison Mod team will try to save there selfs and say sorry without any actions took.”

    Can you elaborate what you are trying to say? We NEVER let things go without any action taken. This far, we ALWAYS take a proper action for every cases. If you find a case where we didn’t take action, can you tell us which?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by  Artoriel.
    #109105 Score: 0


    @Tav ClockSpeed have mentioned that leonard wasn’t using the template, so he didn’t close it without any replies.

    #109116 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I replied to it just now…

    #109120 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I don’t like the way you talked about the PR mod team in your OP.
    It is very rude imo.

    In short you literally said that the PR team members are just a bunch of abusers and try to get away with it afterwards…

    – You don’t know wether this was abuse, or just a mistake/accident.
    – The “ofc the Prison Mod team will try to save there selfs and say sorry without any actions took.” part was absolutely unnecessary, because this isn’t the case, in any way.

    #109124 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I dont do mod apps.


    #109125 Score: 0

    12 pts

    if we left topics like those fly Away then people would just leave. Trolls, you said that you mods make mistake to close it. Yet I don’t think so. Yes we all done this and went down this read before. I don’t want to make a war with you guys for the next week or so. You don’t have to say anything to me nor say sorry to me. You know how I roll, I report you guys take care of it. The end.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by  2Federal.
    #109134 Score: 0

    1 pt

    You totally overreacted. Just saying.

    #109135 Score: 0

    1 pt

    What deasert said.
    And don’t act as if you know what happened, you don’t know wether somebody just simply forgot to leave a reply, or did it on purpose.

    #109149 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Real life brother trying to defend real life brother.. .-.

    #109162 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Ok lets just take a look at his mod app:

    Leo’s app:

    InGame Name:leonard901 Experience:I have been a mod 3 times some i been in ec for a long time I want to work with badly dont blame me A guy alway’s got to try always belive In yourself :)

    now lets look at how a mod app should look like

    Mod application:

    In-game names used:

    How Old are you:

    How long have your played Minecraft?

    Do you have any previous experience in Moderating? If yes, tell us your experiences as detailed as possible, but do not Advertise any server IPs!

    Have you ever been punished before? If yes, when and why? And what did you learn from that?

    The Server you are applying for:

    How Often are you Online in Prison:

    Why do you want to become a Moderator?

    Further explanations of each questions:


    so as you can see the applications are nothing like, just like he threw it together just to “make an app”. I would say that who cares, he didn’t follow the application so just close it without even saying so. What should have happend was “didn’t follow the mod application: denied” but they didnt, it doesnt matter, it would have been denied either way because of the application.

    #109163 Score: 0


    You guys added age to the mod app?!?! WHAT?!?! WHY. JUST…WHY. Like… Age shouldnt even matter… Ugh yeah I know, totally different topic than what this one is about…BUT WHY!!!

    #109164 Score: 0

    2 pts

    @Beretta33 Not sure but I think a while back wither released a “revised” mod app template and told that it needed to be followed. He also made a “report template” and told everyone to use it. .-.

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