Another Scamming case


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  xxTheLoneWolfxx 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #33619 Score: 0


    Scammer : adnan0kanan
    First he offered to sell a pro 4 unbreaking 3 full BRAND NEW armor for 24k ( i specially asked this and he said yes) After that he tped me to him and ran a while to his house. I paid the 24k, he gave me 27/37 iron ingots and 3 gold ingots and told me that was the armor. I got pissed but luckily i screenshot it all and i told fibi. He became freaked out and said he will give it to me. What I got was a almost broken armor. So yea. 24k refund and his tag pls :D. He got his armor back cause his friend killed me in the house so yea,Y6jaiOi,DwdRhGV,D5KSuy1,kUHsPPi,vUFz83n,IqOzeyi,30gPy7B,YO3kNTa,OXmxLQK,yY5sMiH,wILMTSN,OnrrWE3

    #33622 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I think he truly deserve his tag, I know how much he wants the tag. Do you get to keep the Broken armor?

    #33624 Score: 0


    Nope his friend took it back since he killed me in the house while i was reporting to fibi

    #33626 Score: 0


    ill hand this, unless fibi already reported.

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