

Home Forums Minigames Issues/Other Anti-hack

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  ChillzKillz99 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #109314 Score: 0


    This server seriously needs an anti-hack system, the hackers are everywhere

    #109326 Score: 0


    There is actually a anti-hack plugin (Is that a plug in? xD), if you can notice the server/console sometimes temp bans some players

    ~May the Force Forke be with you!~

    #109329 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Only temp-bans? I’m not sure how long it temp bans you, but a temp ban won’t do anything to prevent the hacker, even if it’s like 1 hour or 1 day long.

    #109337 Score: 0


    Well that is true, that’s why reporting is still the best solution besides if the console will be able to perma ban then their could be an outrage because some players might get perma banned for being “REALLY” good at pvp xD

    ~May the Force Forke be with you!~

    #109345 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Download a recorder, report the ‘ Hackers ‘ Report it on this topic.

    Don’t come here on the forums giving us the name of the player, give us Proof of the player, for what he has done to make you think so.

    #109351 Score: 0

    4 pts

    We do have an anti-hack system, but sadly software isn’t perfect. And some hackers are smart and aren’t obvious about their hacking. So unfortunately we can’t catch all hackers, but if you do see a hacker, as Tav said, record proof of the hack and make a topic on the forums.

    #109357 Score: 0


    I suggest you use Bandicam for recording :)
    It somehow does not affect your gameplay so you don’t lag depending on your computer xD

    ~May the Force Forke be with you!~

    #109377 Score: 0


    We have an anti cheat plugin, and unfortunately it only works if a mod is online. Recording is apparently the best option. If you lag while recording, switch from game recording to screen recording to maintain your fps.

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