Anyone need help on the main server?


Home Forums Survival General discussion Anyone need help on the main server?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TheBlackPlague21 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #12020 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Anyone need help on the main server?  I’m always willing to help anyone in need. Anther thing I will help is the server ill tell people to calm down or to not say bad things or spam. All I can do for the server right now is to report or stop bad situations by telling a mod. This is why I would like to become a mod so I could do more than just help but I can actually stop them. I also know all the rules so I probably won’t ban someone by accident. You can see my mod app under the server moderater voting. Thanks for taking your time for reading this topic and have a good day. :)

    #12033 Score: 0


    I can only say one thing, Be patient, Posting things like this shows impatience and immaturity,  just wait and if your right to be a mod then you will be promoted =)

    #12039 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Okay thanks for your facts and opinions ill wait as long as it takes :)


    #12042 Score: 0


    well good luck my friend

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