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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #117334 Score: 0

    1 pt

    First of all, sorry for any awkward mistakes I’m typing on a phone. Yay that’s the first apology!
    Anyone remember me? No? K. :c
    So anyway before I left I started being an active member on Prison but now I’m inactive again. This is because I’m in vacation in my country (yay Egypt) and there is no computer good enough to run mc, so I won’t play until the end of August. Also the third thing I’d like to apologize about is not Putin enough effort (yes, Putin) in the whole wiki thing even though I was the one who was most excited about it. Same reason, in vacation, don’t even have a computer, can’t get on MC to screenshot a few things, bla bla bla, I’ll get to it when I return to my home.
    Hope I didn’t waste your time guys!

    #117338 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hope you enjoy your vacations, biscuit! 😀 Gonna look up for the topic right after this reply.

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #117366 Score: 0

    41 pts

    It’s alright, Putin any effort (Yeah, I’ll use that too) in an idea for a wiki, or anything for EC, is a nice thing.

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