Are these mods allowed in your server?


Home Forums Creative Feedback Are these mods allowed in your server?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  danielxing 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #24734 Score: 0



    I am asking that I want these mods, but ARE THEY ALLOWED IN THE CREATIVE SERVERS?

    1. Advanced Solar Panels (

    2. Too Many Items (

    #24746 Score: 0


    Too many items wont make a difference beacause it wont even let you give yourself items thorugh it on the server. But im pretty sure advanced solar pannles isnt allowed.



    #24747 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Um just saying but its not so much a matter of is it allowed its more of a matter of will it work particularly with advanced solar pannels you see i will try to skip all the complex stuff like you cant place it and stuff i think the easyest way to explain this is that the server which your computer tells what you placed and where you moved to the server where mobs moved and restone updates blah blah blah so lets say you placed a solar panel or any block that isnt on the EC server you computer tell’s the server that you have placed a block but the server cant figure out what its is so A. it isnt going to have any redstone capabilities or work at all it wont even be soild and no one else will see it B. the server will reject it and may crash if you place engough but EC has anti cheat so you would get kicked befor that happened.

    I hope this helps i tryed duming it down someone else may be able to explain it better but the main point is that if the server doesnt have it it isnt going to work.


    #24754 Score: 0


    Yes, advanced solar panels is a client – sided mod. It will only work if the server installs advanced solar panels as well as all the mods that are required by ASP (IC2, forge, etc.). If you install the mod on your computer, login to EC, and try to craft something in the mod, then you’ll be kicked from the server/crash because the server has no idea what you’re doing since you’re using item/block IDs that the server has no knowledge of. If you’re in creative mode (on the creative server) and try to put down a solar panel that way, as soon as you try to put the solar panel down, then you will also get kicked/crash, and if you relog, you’ll find the solar panel isn’t there.

    As for TMI, it is allowed, and works.

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