Assistant voting in InksacVille


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #13084 Score: 0


    For the residents of InksacVille:

    We are gonna have an assistant voting in the town. That basically means that the assistants and the mayor (ShadowSlayerTom) of the town are gonna vote for who will be the next assistant. So if you wanna be an assistant in the town, please let me or Tom by posting this on the topic: ”I wanna be an assistant of InksacVille.” By doing that, you are officially a candidate to be assistant. You can also let us know on the server when you wanna be a candidate. Where not sure when we will have the voting, so you have some time to let us know. If your not a resident of InksacVille, your vote will not be counted.

    -ItsSander, assistant of InksacVille.


    #13085 Score: 0




    Why do you want to be assistant:

    In-game name:

    Use this template to make your assistant application.
    If you don’t follow the template, your votes will not be counted.

    -ShadowSlayerTom (Mayor of InksacVille)

    #13087 Score: 0



    I have played on other servers helping people with any problems.I know how to deal with misbehaving players.

    I want to be an assistant because I want to help other people in the town and make InksacVille one of the best towns in EternalCracked.

    In-game name: Trollface1793

    #13091 Score: 0


    Wow, this is a great way to find assistants for your town O.o

    #13097 Score: 0


    How else did you want to do it? I mean I live in Holland and my town members live in other countries and we’re not so much at the same time online…

    #13536 Score: 0


    copy my idea much shadowslayer? 😀 i dont care anyway

    #13733 Score: 0


    Pigswillfly we didnt copy you we didnt even know you were doing this too.

    #13840 Score: 0


    Its alright anyway. i wouldnt have done it if i didnt want people to do the same. btw you guys might wanna do my town vote thingy. winning town gets 10k

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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