Astronomy + Internet = scaring little kids


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  ChillzKillz99 10 years ago.

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  • #94026 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Don’t it be very annoying that all over the Internet, in recent years, that there have been WAY too many “end of the world” bull**** things? I knew long ago that it’s all just crap, because the 2012 one got me worked up when I was a young lad. Of course, this so-called “Planet X” theory cropped up early 2013, they said that it would tear the earth apart in December 2013, then again in 2014, so seriously? That’s at least 100 things I could list about fake things, and hits scaring the kids. Just saying, who else agrees with me?

    #94028 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Well the problem is this. All of these ARE TRUE. It’s just that they’re very unlikely to happen. For example, a literal shooting star, a star that travels at thousands of miles of seconds, could rip through our solar system. Has it happened yet? Nope. Let’s go to something even crazier, gamma ray bursts. These things could vaporize our solar systems, even if they were thousands of light years away. No? A theory states that if our universe changes it’s state of energy (goes from a higher state to a lower state of energy) everything dies instantly. Last one. Supernovas are where stars EXPLODE. When these stars explode, the objects shoot immense radiation (so much that they outshine ENTIRE GALAXIES), and the stuff that the star contained is launched at 1/10th of the speed of light (30,000 km/s). Compare that to the fastest man made object which travels at 40km/s.

    Has any of this happened? Nope.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #94031 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Rogue those are true, I was talking about the complete bull reasons.

    #94033 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Oh, then I bet those are just article guys trying to get money because even if you don’t read the article at all, you still view the ads.

    #94034 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Mostly YouTube

    #94037 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Yeah, I just don’t believe in this crap.
    I see no reason to, either, because we’ll all die in the end of it, so dying early won’t really change much.

    #94039 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Did you know that the extinction of the dinosaurs might’ve been a meteor crashing into earth’s surface? A meteor so big, it caused tsunami’s to whipe out all land creatures. The heat made the meteor burn, causing alot of smoke spreading into the air, blocking every sunlight from reaching earth, and birds dying, and the water creatures most likely died because of the impact.

    The chance this will happen again is low, but there are some other threats.
    For example the volcano near Yellowstone (somewhere in the US), is so big that an eruption could cause so much smoke and dust to be created, covering all of earth and blocking the sunlight, causing us to die from the cold.
    + Even our own sun can be a danger too us. (Fun fact: our sun will die [explode] in a few billion years)

    You never know what could happen, tough our extinction is probably a few million years ahead of us, don’t worry (yet).

    #94044 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Lol zero thats a nice “fun fact” to keep the youngins up all night xD

    #94045 Score: 0

    3 pts

    We’ll all die anyway, the 2 only questions are how/why and when.

    About Zero’s meteor, it’s proven that it is true. There’s a big hole in Mexico, somewhere.. A meteor of this size occurs every 650 million years, and smaller meteors (size: Arc de Triomphe in Paris) can smash into the Earth anytime, and they are big enough to destroy Paris, Washington, Tokyo or New York.

    Then comes the pollution of the air and the oceans. Fyi, in a very near future (2050), and if we continue to treat our planet like that, the level of the seas will be 2 cm (1.25 inch) higher. This seems like nothing, but 2 cm means a great part of Australia, Great Britain, Mexico, Cuba, Japan and some other countries underwater. Inundations will occur more frequently, too.
    Also, polluating the air with CO2 and CO is especially a really bad idea (nooo? 😛 ) if in the meanwhile we also polluate the oceans and destroy forests. In both, the vegetation is a source of O2.

    A scenario like in “World War Z” can perfectly happen, the only difference is that Brad Pitt would not be here to save us all 😉 A virus causing psychological problems, transmitted by a simple touch.. The virus could even be created by some people to, after the virus spread, vaccinate the survivors (they get money that way..).

    You never know when dear ‘murica or dear Russia, or any other country that possesses the nuclear or hydrogen bomb (China, Iraq, North Korea, Pakistan, India, France, Israel; and I’m not sure for England and Germany) decides to mess up a bit. The US has 4650 nuclear weapons, including Mark 15 or 18 bombs, nuclear grenades and missiles, with small nuclear neads, capable of destroying a whole city tho. This is enough to destroy th Earth 5 or more times, and all the world’s nuclear combined would destroy the Earth 25 times.. That’s just ridiculous! For more info on this, read the book “Command and Control, Eric SCHLOSSER, Penguin Books.” It is a really informative, well-written and nice story about the beginnings of the nuclear weapons from before Hiroshima till today. Hiroshima’s bomb, Mark 1, was considered “very light” .-.

    I can stay here all day talking about this..

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #94047 Score: 0


    I believe in the Lawd God

    So I follow the bibles book Genesis on how the earth was formed.

    #94059 Score: 0


    So here is the deal…..IM NOT SCARED TO DIE. On dec 2012, I was in grade 8. When the day before the doomsday thingy came, I was laughing on all the people who were scared. I was preparing for the annual quiz contest. When I went to school the next day, me and my friends laughed soooo hard on the scaredy cats. None of use believed in the doomsday thing. It is true that there will be a final day, and after that, the day of judgement, according to my belief. But this is also true that no one knows when it will happen. Face it, we all have to die someday, it can be a car accident, or an explosion, or u can just die of old age. No one knows. If one of us dies, ppl wont stop their work. We will only be remembered for a few days and then we’ll be forgotten. And yeah guys, check this out!

    Screenshot (8)<br />upload pictures free<br /><br />

    ^^Unique, aint I? 😛

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