Automated farms


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #57502 Score: 0


    Mojang had made the 1.8 snapshot too have no Iron or Gold farms. But recently Jeb has checked out a post on reddit about the automation process in minecraft. He then stated it shouldn’t be removed, so there is a chance if he believes what the community tells him to do automated iron and gold farms could be a reality. But then again its all up to what he wants to do with the game going forward.

    Info from: Graser10


    #57513 Score: 0


    I think that honestly minerals (gold and iron) should not be farmable but recent updates like hoppers, anvils, and many more require the use of iron. And the thing is, the farm will still work. Just you have to manually kill the golems. If you check out JL’s version of the farm it weakens them so you can kill them with the hit of one sword.

    #57516 Score: 0


    Well that doesn’t make it that automatic vsub doesn’t it?

    #57523 Score: 0

    14 pts

    It’s not auto, but really close. Even with those MASSIVe farms, they still cause lag.

    #57541 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Meh, wait 1.8 still long :/

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