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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  vsub391 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #28278 Score: 0


    I would like to report herbs for baiting. I cleared my inventory and accepted his request. He tp’d me to a cave where i fell. I did not loose anything, I would just like to prevent this from happening to others.

    #28291 Score: 0


    All you really show is the tp. We need more context. Why did he send you a tp? Was it random and out of the blue? Or did you make some sort of deal with him? Also, we don’t really just need scenes of the tp, we need scenes of you actually dying.

    #28346 Score: 0


    Sorry I dont have those, but he was baiting a lot of people to tp. Everyone was talking about it on chat. If you ask on chat, I am sure that a lot of people would remember.

    #28354 Score: 0


    Mods don’t need witnesses but evidence. You need snapshots or this case can’t be resolved.

    #28561 Score: 0


    If it was just a random TP I don’t think that it is baiting because it even says in the server help thingy every once in a while that says “Don’t accept random TP’s they can lead to your death and cannot be refunded.” So yea.

    #28563 Score: 0


    I know, I cleared my inventory before I did it. I just didn’t want anyone else to fall for it. Just because it says they shouldn’t do it doesn’t mean they wont.

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