Ban Apeal Epanator


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Apeal Epanator

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Wreckingboy123 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #107824 Score: 0

    Who ban me? Rogue_Art
    Why? I use Huzuni
    I was baned 25/05/2015
    I use the hack because i try to kill to Jaquim99 (he use hacks) I said this to all the admins SORRY i never going to use more hacks please i love Survival
    And this is all please UNban me 😀

    #107825 Score: 0

    Who ban me? Rogue_Art
    Why? I use Huzuni
    I was baned 25/05/2015
    I use the hack because i try to kill to Jaquim99 (he use hacks) I said this to all the admins SORRY i never going to use more hacks please i love Survival
    And this is all please UNban me 😀
    He ban me in Survival

    #107826 Score: 0

    20 pts

    This is your second ban. You will not be unbanned most likely. Also, it’s as if you’re prepared to be banned, making an appeal not even 10 minutes after being banned.

    #107827 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Why do these people want to use hacks ._.?

    Don’t you get out killing everyone! You see :/

    It makes the Gameplay not much for others.

    #107829 Score: 0

    16 pts

    This is your second ban. Sorry dude, but you won’t be unbanned :(

    #107830 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Vote up (y)

    He should get unbanned. Logic approved!!!!

    #107831 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Wither, you can’t vote on Ban Appeals.

    #107833 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ Whether someone gets unbanned or not can depend on their status with the community. If everyone is annoyed and disrespected by the person, that could be a appeal deny.

    #107835 Score: 0

    Einow 
    1 pt

    If you think Jaquim used hack could record your screen and reported here in the forums, there are many free programs to record your screen. It was wrong that you used hack, may Jakim is only good in pvp, and the truth your one day I added a Skype call and I listened without you noticing and you were talking to someone else and you can hear that you were using the x Ray, really are a good person but that was very wrong, finally I’m not sure but if I’m not mistaken you have a second account that is Eepanator is forbidden to use a 2nd way to unban account, Moderators please check that;)

    #107836 Score: 0


    Epanator use the banned appeal template dont make a new template you need to follow the rules..and good luck to your banned appeal

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