Ban app


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban app

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bromstailsa 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #136656 Score: 0


    In-game name (with right caps):Natsu
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.):Bypassing
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):Survival
    Who banned you:Imyodaddy
    Why you should be unbanned:this account was banned for griefing for 24h and my alt permamently for bypassing i logged in from Natsu today and i got banned for bypassing what exactly? the 24h period had already ended… and if it didnt end it isnt my fault i could still login or if you didnt ban my account properly

    #136659 Score: 0

    4 pts

    Okay, sorry to hear this; let me quickly explain you something; when you get banned for bypassing it goes for any account you have because it means “Avoiding ban”; still, I will talk to the rest of the staff about your case, thank you for being patient.

    #136667 Score: 0


    So if I get temporarily banned for a reason and then I bypass with an alt account and get permamently banned there for bypassing when the temporary ban period ends and I log in its considered bypassing?

    #136672 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Ban appeal denied. You may post against in 1 week.

    #136674 Score: 0

    10 pts

    Your ban was moved to permanent once you bypassed with your alt the same day you got banned for 24hours. Im not sure why you were able to access the server or you must of been using a vpn or a proxy to get through. But it is set as a permanent ban for griefing and bypassing.

    #136675 Score: 0


    well even tho i took my time to do a ban appeal so i can get my ban removed it got denied and permament and my friend who did a ban appeal too will get it removed by tomorrow like i did something much worse than him xD

    #136690 Score: 0

    10 pts

    Ban appeal now moved to 3 weeks.

    #136716 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    For what reason ? lying? Clap clap on Vishu …He is the savior of the day once again… i don’t find …He just said that we did the same thing… nothing special…

    #136721 Score: 0

    20 pts

    For what reason ? lying? Clap clap on Vishu …He is the savior of the day once again… i don’t find …He just said that we did the same thing… nothing special…

    Exactly! You know why you were banned, you just don’t want to do the time. We’re done with you, you can take a seat.

    #136725 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    No , he says that he griefed and bypassed in his appeal …doesn’t he ?
    “Why you should be unbanned:this account was banned for griefing for 24h and my alt permamently for bypassing”

    #137536 Score: 0

    This reply has been marked as private.
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