Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #69296 Score: 0


    In-game name: Nicky3325,Walsh1921,brianser

    Why you have been banned:Threatening players with false threats

    Were are you banned:Survival

    Who banned you:Jttt3

    Why you should be unbanned: First of all im really sorry to those i threatened, and i do hope you will forgive me. Anyways i the reason i want to get unbanned is because i loved this server, and even many people hated me at my brianser account i still didn’t leave this server because when i saw this server i already fall in-love with it. So please mods unban me, and if you will give me another chance to change my attitude.

    #69299 Score: 0


    I think you’ll be unbanned (ASAP) if its your first ban on Survival..

    #69322 Score: 0


    @RY4JisHere you dont have the right to give a verdict..Only the mods have the right to give a verdict.It depends on them if he getting unbanned or not

    #69502 Score: 0


    Hello There,

    -You already know the rules and why did you do such stuff ? You also tried to threatened me and you called me badwords because I revealed your identity ,not only me but you did that to fedfed234 also,you should learn to have respect especially to your fellow members(rule 3:Respect All Players And Mods).

    -Vote Down(You Lack Respect[My Opinion])

    #69505 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Luminous, you really shouldn’t quote rule #3, considering you broke it yourself, and to be fair, yourself and fedfed were being unnecessarily rude to Nicky after you revealed him, as well as the fact that you also wouldn’t stop going on about it for a while, and were even told by a mod to stop doing so.

    #69518 Score: 0


    Dear Megaseth020,

    -I know I broke that rule also that is why I’m trying to minimize my anger too and I got mad at him for calling me “drug addict” and for what reason ? , I trolled fedfed234,_remixz_,solid_strike, and some other people including him and what is a big deal about that ? When I trolled him I never did kill him plus he tried to kill me so I included him in my Troll List.(I was trolling solid_strike,_remixz_, also fedfed234 and he tried to kill me).

    -Also I did wrote rule 3 to tell nicky3325;not only him but the other players in eternalcraft not to make the same mistakes like me and Megaseth020 for your information no one is perfect so everyone makes mistakes and that included you and the mods. :) Good Day

    #69914 Score: 0


    Well after what i did luminous i didn’t bother you anymore. And you and your cousin fedfed keeps ruining my day even on my Walsh1921 account.

    #70045 Score: 0


    I was banned at my Walsh1921 account. Anyways guys and mods. (BUMP).

    #70048 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    No admin replied this ?
    Ry4jishere as still said you cannot choose that who will be ban or unbanned the great staffs of eternalcracked/craft will choose :)

    #70068 Score: 0

    3 pts


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