Ban Appeal


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #69920 Score: 0


    In-game name :MrNubz
    Why you have been banned :Accused of X-Ray
    Where you are banned :Prison
    Who banned you:Takoballball
    Why you should be unbanned: I did not xray. Tako banned me after finding a random emerald above me. I mine that way all the time.
    Tako, i did not xray. If you wish, i could give you my mc folder and you
    can check it for yourself.

    #69921 Score: 0


    Suddenly digging up 6 blocks although u are going in a straight line and immediately finding an emerald only in that particular tunnel up. And on the other side, randomly turning right and going up a little bit and stopping after getting ur ores. hmm
    I suggest you tell the truth. I’ve been observing you since A and i know that you do not mine that way

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  takoballball.
    #69923 Score: 0


    I’m saying the truth. I don’t xray. I mine up all the time, as i said
    And. You can use your mod ” powers ” to check my mods correct ? use it .
    I’m clean

    #69924 Score: 0

    This is the link to ur mine. The last image shows that u randomly stopped mining and turned to another place to mine. The first 2 shows u building a tunnel normally mining and suddenly mining up to get an emerald and suddenly stop mining and going up the ladder once u went to look at you

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  vsub391.
    #69925 Score: 0


    I mine that way all the time. I randomly look up to find ores. If you don’t believe me, it’s up to you. I’ll stop playing if you wish. And i went to the ladder cause i’m playing another game at the same time. ( dota2 ) and if i just went afk in the mine, i’m afraid that i’ll die so i mine for 2-3 mins and run to the ladder for safety so that i can continue with my other game.
    If you don’t unban me, I’ll understand that you don’t want to see me mine/play on EC ever again. I’ve been playing on this server for a long time ( then i took a break for a few months ) and i’ll stop playing if i have to.
    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  MrNubz.
    #69927 Score: 0


    Its up to you if you dont want to play anymore i wont stop you since its your own decision. But please take note. I did not ban you because i wish for you to stop playing or anything. I banned you because of your xray.

    #69928 Score: 0


    Well, as i said before. I DID NOT xray. I have been mining the same way all the time. And i’m asking you to unban me cause it was a misunderstanding.
    And since i’m not unbanned, i can’t play. I spent HOURS mining the same way as that . I started mining that way ever since in B .

    #69930 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Um… I know I shouldn’t be even talking about this since this is something that has nothing to do with me and even on a server that I don’t play. But, the way that MrNubz uses is a method that is possible without any x-ray hacks. I myself use that way. Whenever I am mining I randomly stop and mine above me until MC allows and usually I find emeralds. And usually I also take sudden turns and find ores. Just because he looked up and turned suddenly means he x-rayed. I personally find this as normal luck, not saying that he is banned for no valid reason as this can also be used with x-ray. So um… yeah.. hope you get unbanned Nubz. ._.

    #69931 Score: 0


    Thanks oreo. I’ll repay you one day.

    #69933 Score: 0


    I perfectly agree with Oreo , infact alot of people use this type of mining … And MrNubz showed us the reason why he was afk . MrNubz is a trustable person … Good luck :)

    #69935 Score: 0

    3 pts


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