Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal

This topic contains 32 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  00100101 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #74896 Score: 0

    7 pts

    It does, Wave

    5. No Tricking or Luring Players

    And if the moderator saw it by himself/herself (Though might not relate to this), it is considered a proof.

    #74959 Score: 0


    Hello there,

    Sorry for the late reply i have been busy in RL.
    Anyways this is about the heads you got refunded. Nhu didnt knew she could right click the head to see if it was from a player. Now you have all the type of mob heads. Explain that to me. For example how did you manage to get the Dragon and Wither head ?

    Also you have loads of playerheads that where ”refunded” But we had certain people reporting to us they never got beheaded and so there is no way for you to have them. Please explain thank you.

    #74973 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Hi, thanks for replying me.
    Withe skeleton head: my sister got it on a mob party really a while ago, and its not a wither head, its a wither skelly head…
    Enderdragon head: This head I bought from a guy like a week before I got banned, I asked him how he beheaded the dragon, but he didn’t answer me. His nick was like j52 or somethin like that…
    Playerheads: I bought the most of ’em from khaled5gamer… So talk with him how he got em.
    All the other mobs were either beheaded by me, or bought from khaled5gamer, or I got them from raiding houses in the wild…
    And there is one more thing I have to report to you, but other ppl shouldn’t know about it, so add me on skype and I will sent you the report (a bug). Skype: mihajlo.prpos1 , or I can report it to riverrunner on skype too…
    Thanks in forward for your help, and I would be happy to hear of you again soon!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  00100101.
Viewing 3 posts - 31 through 33 (of 33 total)

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