Ban Appeal


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Psycho9 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #75109 Score: 0


    In-game name : elop06
    Why you have been banned : I am banned because they said that i used aura.. Sorry for that but im not using aura.. my friends watches me if im pvping in real life.. because in real life were just neigboors… He is at my side when im pvping… because they wanna get the armor that i get when i killed players…..
    Where you are banned : I am banned at SurvivalServer
    Who banned you:Psycho9 banned me so sad…
    Why you should be unbanned: I should be unbanned because im the real EC player that never used hackedss… and I should be unbanned because i love to play again with this cool and adventure server….
    I missed already playing SurvivalServer… Sorry i will not pvp anymore because you will tell me that i am using hacks…………

    #75110 Score: 0


    Vote Middle.
    Me and some friends observed that u usr hacks

    #75117 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Well, I don’t know the full story behind your ban, but if you were banned for using hacks, it wouldn’t have just been a simple “oh, it looks like he’s using hacks, let’s ban him”, it would’ve been looked into a bit.
    By the way, the mods don’t really have a way to know that your friends watch you play in real life.
    Also, I don’t have the means to unban someone without knowing the details.

    My vote will be middle for now, until I can find out more.

    #75129 Score: 0


    Firstly I temp banned you, Im not sure who perm banned you. Anyways I received multiple complaints from many other players of you using kill aura. I watched you for about 30minutes at php hill, and you never missed a hit. I then got my alt account and ran up behind you when you weren’t even looking at me and you turned around killed me with a direct hit. I also seen you do this to other players, you stand at the top of the hill as if you are afk, and not looking at people. Then turn around straight away with a direct hit.
    Anyway its not for me to decide if you get unbanned, however these are my experiences with you.

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