Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #77355 Score: 0


    In-Game Name:Bjergsen
    Why you have been banned: Using x-ray
    Where are you banned: Survival
    Who banned you: Not Sure
    Why you should be unbanned:I didnt use any cheats u can check that i was just mining in cave and u ban me beacause i mined 20 diamonds,unban me,tp to me and u will see.Thanks

    #77357 Score: 0



    Im the person that banned you. And you where not just ”mining in a cave” You where looking around, suddenly mined in the wall straight into diamonds.

    #77360 Score: 0


    I didnt have xray 100% i was minig normal whitout any cheats bro i just got luck ffs if u think that I have x-ray good for u

    #77363 Score: 0


    Just please unban me i didnt use any hacks and I will not use them in future,I just want to play on server with friends.Thanks

    #77364 Score: 0


    Vote Down!
    Yes hello there! I’m an experienced player on EC and I’ve been playing long enough to know that they don’t ban without very good and undeniable proof. With this being said and reading Bongo’s comment I conclude that you are guilty of using xray and that your ban IS justified. You probably will not be unbanned because you continue to deny the fact that you xray even though there was solid evidance that you did. Now if you ban appeal said something like I’m very sorry I xrayed I’ll never do it again may I have a 2nd chance? Then your ban appeal would have probably been accepted and you would have been given a second chance.

    #77368 Score: 0

    5 pts

    please dont be disrespectful towards a head moderator “ffs”? really? your arrogance towards the head mods show me that you dont want to come back on EC. personally if i ever got banned i would be as nice as can be towards the staff i am speaking too, just a tip.

    #77369 Score: 0


    Admins just please unban me I want to play with my friends sorry for my rage but I wasnt using x-ray and i will denie domething that I wasnt doing and give me a second chance that I wasnt even cheating and u will se that in future

    #77371 Score: 0


    Vote DOWN!
    Hello there, I just wanted to inform you that mods+ never ban without absolute proof (IE. Screenshots, a video, Etc.) or ban for personal reasons (IE. Something you did irl) so im sure Mr. Bongo had good proof of your X-Ray and decided to take action. Sorry friend. -Syth

    #77374 Score: 0


    Hello there,

    I understand that you’re upset, but you can still talk in a normal way. As this is your first offense you will be unbanned. Let me make clear that it wasnt ”one time luck” as i have seen you mine straight towards them a few times within a short time period straight into the wall.

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