Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal


This topic contains 24 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Pie 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #78493 Score: 0

    5 pts

    oh wait i read that tots wrong im so sorry priate xD ByMesut make a new topic

    #78501 Score: 0

    16 pts

    ByMesut, making a new topic is not to make a post on this topic. It already exists. We need you to go to the server section you were banned in, and then make a new post in the ban appeal section.

    #78502 Score: 0


    what are you talking about banana

    #78507 Score: 0


    piratebooty why have banned in creative

    #78508 Score: 0

    uhm i dont have anything to say…

    #78511 Score: 0



    1. I temped ban you and pie permed banned you
    2. You were banned just for bypassing
    3. What hacking are u talking about (pls explain)
    4. What bug are u tlaking about (pls explain)

    #78515 Score: 0



    If you’re talking about me being banned in creative then that is not true (i’m pretty sure). But if you’ve been banned follow these steps:

    1. Go here:
    2. Go to the bottom of the page and you should see a thing that says: Create new topic in “Ban Appeal”
    3. Copy and paste this in the big square:
    Full In-Game name (With the right caps):
    Who banned you:
    Why you were banned (or the message you get when you try and login):
    When you were banned (e.g yesterday, 1 hour ago, right now):
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Which server you’re banned from (e.g lobby, survival):
    4. Fill it out as BEST as you can so you can have a higher chance of being unbanned.
    5. Hit submit and wait for someone to reply!

    #78595 Score: 0


    Please explain why there are banned players linked to your account. And what is this hack you’re talking about? If you explain all the details accurately and correctly, then you will possible be unbanned.

    #78597 Score: 0


    Hello, I was using another account hacks (huzuni), I am very sorry for that. With the count TheLuisGamer13 not use hacks and what the bug is, I was abusing the bug (scs), and will return to happen I promise. I wish I could return to play in the Great Server freely. Thank you for your attention.

    #78598 Score: 0


    Decided to change my mind. Didn’t know about your true mishaps whilst you were banned. You bypassed several times and decided to adopt the same excuse. For deceiving your ‘promise’ to never do it again, you actually won’t be unbanned, not for now at least.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Pie. Reason: Made a huge correction
Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

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