Ban Appeal


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal Ban Appeal

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #83567 Score: 0


    in-game name (with right caps): WTFBROOO
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.): Kill aura?
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):Prison
    Who banned you:Jtt3
    Why you should be unbanned:I dont use Kill aura and i never have so unban me i pvped jttt3 like 4 times i promise i dont use kill aura.
    Please can someone just unban me already its been like 2 months

    #83568 Score: 0

    41 pts

    It’s been almost 1 month, according to when your “Ban Appeal?” post was posted.

    #83575 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Just because someone has faster hand reflexes and clicking doens’t mean they are hacking, Tom. You know that better than anything

    #87289 Score: 0


    I don’t really believe that FantasticBro uses hacks.
    I know him since a long time and i know he is good in PVP
    And also,Since it’s his first ban and also if in case its really hacks,I think he should be given a chance of getting unbanned.

    #87294 Score: 0


    First Offense

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