Ban appeal


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Elian1234 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #92886 Score: 0


    Hello gentlemen owners server ago , Long ago my user Elian 1234 with my ip were banned from the server, due to a hack course not use this fact has not allowed that I can play on your servant who sincerely miss you very much and who never found one like yours, I ask the more acomedida so as to remove the bann and get back to playing on your server which for me is one of the best out there, no more to say, I hope a positive response and thank you in advance, you soon

    #92890 Score: 0


    Alright, it’s apparent you use google translate so I’ll keep it simple

    Fill this in and post it when finished:

    Ingame Name: (minecraft username)
    When were you banned: (date/month/year)
    Why were you banned: (reason for being banned)
    Who banned you: (moderator name that banned you)
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: (explain why we should unban you)

    #92897 Score: 0


    It says your are not banned, try to join and reply back on whats going on.

    #93513 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: (Elian1234 and my IP)
    When were you banned: (I dont remember that)
    Why were you banned: (Alleged hack)
    Who banned you: (I dont remember that too)
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: (Because i play in this server for 1 year or more and I was legal in all aspects , i send and buy thing in a very nice price , and other things , and… i miss play in this server)

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