ban appeal


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal ban appeal

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years ago.

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  • #98437 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: pija
    When were you banned: wenesday(6/mar/2015)
    Why were you banned: (reason for kill aura)
    Who banned you: (wavewaremc)
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: uses drugs like cocaine that gives strength II and marijuana recovery III, plus I indicated that I took 3 cocainas and 1 marihuana, wavewaremc just said hack and ban with no opportunity to defend himself, he would also very interested to know ¿how is it determined that someone is hacker?, because the commit terrible mistake, also should be noted that using minecraft 1.7.2 and witherplaymc it has been shown repeatedly that we are not hacks, expecting a prompt and favorable attention to this request we anticipate our thanks.

    Please also ask for it witherplaymc which determine the validity of our appeal.


    #98447 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well… I’m not a very ” Active ” Player in Faction. So.. Ye.
    But too me I think mods, should say why are you ” Hacking ” ( Not saying that your a hacker )
    But ye too me they should say something before banning you like that.
    But anyways! Hope you get unbanned very soon. :)

    #98451 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Why did you copy-paste someone else’s ban appeal? Also, kill aura spins your player around crazily and hits people 1000 times a second, and hits vanished players.. I know you’re lying because strength 2 and kill aura are SUPER different, and you copy-pasted someone else’s ban appeal, which is just pathetic..

    #99152 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Unbanned, first attempt. (-192015)

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