Ban Appeal
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This topic contains 45 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Waveware 9 years, 10 months ago.
In game name:Ender243
Reason:Hacked Client
Who banned you:Waveware
Why should you be unbanned: First off NO ONE believes me that my display driver crashed. Second off WHY would I hack?
I panicked at that time so i was spinning and hitting… so when i died squirtle asked me why was i spinning and i said my display driver crashed and he needed a screenshot. i couldnt get the screenshot because it was a notification that on the side also if i got the screenshot it would show me standing there… ALSO if i was hitting everyone why didnt they died i would ask? lastly wave tped me to /warp pvp and he started hitting me and asked “why didnt u spin?” as if he wanted me to actually spin… also he said “i could see you sprint toggle” actually tbh… i dont even know why he said i had sprint toggle… i NEVER would hack and NEVER will. “i could see your particles”… just wow. i still didnt hack in any cases…“Second off WHY would I hack?” The question is:Why would you not hack? you know you are getting killed on a 3v1 and you still fought them.
“ALSO if i was hitting everyone why didn’t they died i would ask? ” even if you have hacks you can’t 1 shot everyone…Anyways,I’ll let wave handle this since he was the one who banned you not me.
I don’t think a mod in prison hacks..
just gonna bump this
Wait wtf Ender?!?!
He is a Trial Mod in Prison, why the hell would he use Hacks for any reasons it’s just Pvp!
Dude at one time it almost feel like I was going to get banned for NO REASON AT ALL in Faction at one time.. I just didn’t feel safe there and that is one of the reasons why I left.Faction, has damm there unless Gear.. So you can get Iron and diamonds very easy. Even Me and Ander took on a 2v2 or a 3v2 Once Hell I even went to fight like 5 guys alone and ended up killing only one man. Why did I do that? Yolo.
Like when Denx got banned in MG, wave had that look ” Mhm you have hacks too Tav.. ”
But anyways I hope you get unbanned dude. :/
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
I agree with Tavon.Ive never seen Ender using hacks when pvping.Its just pure skills,pure strats,pure panic or just pure lag.
Btw hope you get unbanned soon
There is always the first time.
I am not criticising Ender for using hacks; it wasn’t my call. Instead, Wave had banned him, and apparently Wave and Squirtle had a rather long discussion about the matter, and Wave kept his eyes on him. But since Wave banned you, I would like to keep it that only mods who banned a player can unban him/her, resulting a more effective system, since the mod who banned the person knows the full information.
For now, just be patient.
:3 yeah ender tbh majority people’s doesn’t like waveware like I created another acc on survival that I was. Banned he is so anger and he banned my 2nd acc with the same reason in my original acc and I don’t know many peoples doesn’t accept my changes even I do showing kindness and to be a good player on everybody
Why Would A Prison Mod hack god damn it XD , Ender fights legitly, he is a mod for christ Sake ! XD
Just saying…There are some possibilities that a mod can hack.Not just because he/she is a mod doesnt mean its impossible for them not to hack anymore and im pretty sure that there are some simillar cases that happened in the past
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
I know Ender, very well I’ve even skype him a few times before. Knowing he is a Trial Mod in Prison he wont have hacks.. I mean IT’S JUST PVP! Not like you are going to raid and get mad becuase you got raided and get hacks on…
We never said it was impossible. We only said it was highly unlikely.
Being a moderator doesnt mean you dont hack…
Anyone can hack. But hacking is not allowed and breaks the rules.
I agree with chinoe and wither but why in the name of idk would i hack it is ironic
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
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