Ban Appeal
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This topic contains 45 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Waveware 9 years, 10 months ago.
Endermen have TP hacks.
illuminati confirmed.
… Mizo be serious about this
If I remembered correctly jasomo was an admin on creative and was demoted. Why? he said he was banned on survival for x-ray. Even an admin used hacks what about a trial mod?
“The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool.” 😉
Actually, it’s quite the opposite. It’s more likely that a mod would hack than a member. If a member was using x-ray, a guardianmod could find the hacks in minutes, maybe even seconds. Whereas, if you are an expertmod and you use x-ray, it’ll be harder for me to find out. The reason being that I would have a bit of trust in you, thinking that you become mod for a reason, and that reason wasn’t to cheat. So even if he has x-ray, I would just disregard it as luck.
However, BeastADragon has demonstrated something like this, where he became a trial mod, and used hacks (no offense or anything). Not only did he use hacks, and get punished, but he was only demoted! Essentially, if Ender were to use hacks, he would know that he could just walk it off if he wants.
Trialmod means NOTHING. ExpertMod would mean something, but TrialMod doesn’t mean anything. TrialMod has barely any mod commands, and no powerful ones at that. Infact, TrialMod status is actually a field test to see if he or she would qualify for ExpertMod.
Last of all, “display driver crashed and he needed a screenshot”. That’s as ridiculous as it sounds. If you are on an AMD or select Intel systems, where you don’t have an integrated graphics, then your computer/monitor would have shut down if the driver crashed. If you are on Intel Integrated Graphics or on an AMD APU, then you would see similar results as well. If your GPU crashed, then you would have a heavy lag-spike for a second, where your iGPU/APU takes over, then it should be normal, or your minecraft/other processes should crash, but your computer will still be on. No one would believe it, because it’s made up.
My money is on Squirtle/Waveware/Wither. They are all experienced factions mods, and I can certainly trust them to do their job well.
Being a moderator creates a type of trust and makes us believe that you don’t hack. But there are still mods that hack, but aren’t caught as fast as members.
Question: could you describe about the video card / graphics card crash? I don’t get what you mean.
Even if it crashed, you can use either F2 or Prt Screen button. (just didn’t get what you meant by graphics drive crashing)
Extra Side Note: Higher faction mods know how to deal with certain issues and we always have proof to support our issue. We don’t abuse our powers and ban people. Hopefully Wave can make a statement and clear things up.Sorry it wasn’t a graphic card crash
I didn’t have a graphic card in my computer so at a time it will makes extreme lag spike and crash with my screen freezing.
The spinning and hitting was me panicking badly.
Im pretty sure, no matter how old your computer is,
there’s a little bit of graphics card in the GPu or something.
most likely it’s shared or integrated, but everyone have one.
*I don’t think you can open minecraft without a graphics card*
Wither it works but I have to put it to unlimited fps. Even so I get at max 60 FPS.
“I didn’t have a graphic card in my computer so at a time it will makes extreme lag spike and crash with my screen freezing.”
Yeah,I always experience that. But since I added a video card I don’t “crash with my screen freezing” anymore ;D and no more friends of mine smite me in the face -_- just to crash me. So if you say you screen froze you should not be able to be moving. But how did you 360 head turn hit everyone? that’s the only thing I am wondering off
Ok, Let me clear something up.
I know how Ender pvp, He does have a good reflex, jump around and such. (I pvp’d him in Kitpvp)
But from what I saw was he was standing still and hitting everyone in his radius, very different style of pvping compared to his Kitpvp style. When he was standing still, everyone who comes to close radius of Ender get snapped to with no missed swings. This is clear Kill AuraNow, to what you said, You told me that your drive crashed. I assumed it was your Graphic Driver. Rogue mentioned that when the driver crashes, the computer turns itself down. This means that the Driver didn’t really crash, but your Minecraft did. You mentioned to me that when you are panicked you do a 360 turn of your head and started swinging. Of course this part is believable but what is unbelievable is that you were able to hit everyone in your radius. Instead of doing what you mentioned to us, you pressed the binded key of Kill Aura as a sort of panic button. You will change your story again, and again to try to seem more correct. Although I can see through your useless effort to lie.
I spend my time finding hackers. (no life) You happen to be one of those hackers. Staying banned for now
Let me point it out my crash is that my minecraft and computer is still operating BUT ok BUT the game is frozen on my screen
You changed your story AGAIN
This means that you are not trustable any more. and this also strengthens my point that I am trying to say.Dude,lying can reduce your chance of getting unbanned. You should know that since you are an EC staff.
I am not lying…
Wait i might be able to give proof which is a screen of my screen being frozen
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