Ban Appeal


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This topic contains 45 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Waveware 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #105001 Score: 0


    You know too as an EC staff, that spamming on forums is not alloud and spamming can reduce your chances of getting unbanned. Spam more and action will be taken.

    Ps:Edit button is there for a reason

    #105002 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Proof that the screen is dead:

    Proof that it is not crashed:

    PS:Sorry for the spam I will use the edit button from here on out

    Edit: I don’t know but is the proof actually valid? If not i will get better proof

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  InfectedEnder.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  InfectedEnder.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  InfectedEnder.
    #105011 Score: 0


    How do you screenshot if your screen is dead? Dude….seriously…stop….do yourself a favor and tell the truth.

    #105014 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Just fyi kill aura is not just hitting everyone within range. If they are spinning then you can tell its not kill aura. If they are like “snapping” to face enemys and hit them, then its clear kill aura. I wasnt there to see it so ill just have to trust Wave.

    #105019 Score: 0

    1 pt

    “How do you screenshot if your screen is dead? Dude….seriously…stop….do yourself a favor and tell the truth.”

    You kidding me? Lol just wow I am telling the truth its just if you want to believe it OR not. OK I said my screen was dead yes but what I really meant is that my screen is dead BUT not my minecraft.

    screen dead: minecraft is still operating<unusual but seriously>
    its not my minecraft that crashed… its my graphic driver

    graphic driver crash: if im playing minecraft it happens rarely BUT if it crashes my minecraft would not crash but will be on a frozen screen until i restart it.

    lastly head snapping: I dont see how it is possible to hit everyone because how you saw my head snap, was me jerking my mouse in a direction causing it to turn quick. dont believe me? ill show you.


    #105081 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ender should have been unbanned already…

    #105084 Score: 0

    12 pts

    It’s better off if I don’t jump in to this so call ” Baby fight ” -_- For any reasons of my.

    #105087 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Your proof is not sufficient, because in your video, you slow down in between targets while the one that occurred was simultaneously spinning and snapping to everyone.

    #105091 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Lol? Sure are resilient I showed you the proof you say it isn’t valid just wow… And what igra said was true I should be unbanned by now what happened to the “second chance” thing…

    #105093 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I didn’t have a graphic card in my computer so at a time it will makes extreme lag spike and crash with my screen freezing.

    Hahahaha. Okay, seriously, this is he dumbest thing I’ve heard so far about computers. You can’t just not have a graphics card and be able to see your monitor. If you don’t have a graphics card (not even integrated), then your monitor simply won’t turn on. It’ll probably say something like “error” or “no signal”. Oh, and if your monitor is dead/computer crashed, how are you gunna open up snipping tool (or your screenshot program) to show us a screenshot of a dead monitor. It would seriously make more sense if you did it with your phone.

    You’ve changed your story 3 times so far, please explain that.

    graphic driver crash: if im playing minecraft it happens rarely BUT if it crashes my minecraft would not crash but will be on a frozen screen until i restart it.

    Man, you really are desperate, you think mods don’t know anything about computers, and that you can lie to them. If your graphics card crashes, but your monitor stil receives a signal, prepare for heavy screen tearing, heavy color derping, and complete unusability until you force shut down your PC.

    And last of all, that video though. You were in a superflat world, so your FPS should been high, at least 30 fps on a superflat world, even if you’re using an old laptop. Instead, when you recorded it, the video was captured at 10 fps, and it went down even more when you were hitting.

    P.S. That picture of a guy playing Minecraft is traced to a girl named Gema Fernandez Valero. Key word: “girl”. She has a youtube channel as well, which is what you dragged it from, is what I’m assuming.

    #105097 Score: 0


    “I didn’t have a graphic card in my computer so at a time it will makes extreme lag spike and crash with my screen freezing.”
    ^your second reason
    “screen dead: minecraft is still operating<unusual but seriously>
    its not my minecraft that crashed… its my graphic driver”
    ^your third reason(you now have a graphic driver O_o)

    I think wave still wont be giving a second chance until he knows if the guy is already telling the truth

    #105099 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I am with the Faction Mod team on This now.

    Ender, just stop lying if you do / had hacks just call it out. So we know. Not to sit there and lie about it. There is nothing to be a shame of at all. We just don’t like having hacker’s around EC.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  2Federal.
    #105102 Score: 0

    20 pts

    @Rogue_art that’s happened to me before (glitchy screen).

    #105105 Score: 0


    I’ll agree with @Wither :) so true

    #105142 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Sorry wave

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