ban appeal


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal ban appeal

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #119099 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: Tecnomon99, XxShadowPrincexX
    When were you banned: today 21.8.2015
    Why were you banned: tecnomon was banned for xray, shadowprince was kicked becouse you thought he was tecnomon
    Who banned you: i dont know… i think it was bluegamer
    Why do you think you should be unbanned:
    You should unban tecnomon becouse he wasnt using xRay, he saw how bluegamer kept going to the edge of the world so i thought his base was near… i knew he was rich so i wanted to do it as best as posibble. i than saw a giant hole, and i was hopeing it was his base… i dug near it…. than people accused me of xraying in.
    you should unban shadowprince becouse he isnt me and i can prove it, you can ask elsagirl, hernix, his faction, and especially paothester, they will all say say we are 2 different guys, we even attacked him at one point
    Also if u think shadowprince and me are the same person u can just look at his ip

    #119101 Score: 0

    10 pts

    you have already made a ban appeal 1-2 days ago.

    #119108 Score: 0


    It was me who banned u, u used xray got onto another 10 alts and dissing me/ xraying again. I don’t know how this ban appeal wil go.

    #119165 Score: 0


    nvm i dont need to get unbanned i made fake accounts and raided the guy who banned me so now i dont mind 😀
    also i didnt use xray

    #119167 Score: 0

    2 pts

    ^ That’s called bypassing a ban, and that will get your IP banned instead.

    #119227 Score: 0


    i know but they said i already used it… and i didnt… well… after a that noob CriptiKGamer pissed me off than i did just to annoy him

    #119228 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Hey, Criptik isn’t a noob, and you shouldn’t do stuff like that just to annoy him, just gonna get ip banned

    #119575 Score: 0


    but it wasnt that good of a server to begin with, it just pissed me off how he imediatelly assumed i was using hacks just cuz he had a noob base, he literarly going straight to his base, and he just said i was using xRay

    #121097 Score: 0

    14 pts

    You will be unbanned for this issue since it wasn’t your fault.

    Bypassing is strictly not allowed, and you are warned.
    You are given your first chance and is now unbanned.

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