Ban Appeal


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #122552 Score: 0


    In-game name: KARP
    Why you have been banned: Abusing of reward
    Where you are banned: Prison
    Who banned you: xZero_Strike
    Why you should be unbanned:I have been banned for unclear reasons, being very fast P10 being that I have free time and play a lot on this server, by having many bloody swords, so I can buy many swords or my friends have given me, I claim the only prize my main account is not reason why not take my range banned or delete my plot, I can request unban me, Thanks, sorry for misspelling, I’m using google translator = D

    #122564 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Moderators will NOT punish you without any strong evidences. xZero_Strike has stated that you abused the reward of past events using alts, so don’t lie about it as it will just decrease your chance of getting unbanned. Remember that we have all histories/logs of chats, alternative accounts, and many other stuffs that happen in the server.

    #122568 Score: 0


    if I have claimed reward in more than one account, sorry for having done so, I will only use one account, mu main account, I think I have already received my punishment, xZero_Strike delete my plot and I fell range, I’ve had my punishment, I propose be unbanned

    #122570 Score: 0


    xZero_Strike has already deleted my plot and has reduced me to rank A

    #122571 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Changed the ban to 1 day since your rank has been resetted. Please be patient and wait it out.

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