Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  deasertman 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #122873 Score: 0


    Please I want a enough about another topic want me solve my problem because I want to play with my friends to the EC survival and I always stay outside because I prohibit as good in PvP and nose que of deasertman already I’m getting tired of their stupidity (peron by exprecion) but desert, if I accept it but you would use HACKS 1.8 !!!!! NO USE HACKSSS !!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! :( Is that I make you mad -.-
    Gentlemen especially deasertman moderators give me an explanation of why forbid me entering SURVIVAL !!!!.
    I would normally play like the others and was playing as a moderator but he happened to enter survival ban I do not understand the reason why I do not use HACKS !!!! CURSE> C.
    I need a solution!

    #122874 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Stop spamming ban appeals, your other one was just denied yesterday. Spamming the forums will reduce your chances of being unbanned, I highly recommend that you don’t make any more topics until a survival mod tells you that you can.

    I also failed to mention, stop disrespecting deasert.

    Both of the above things are digging you into a deeper hole.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #122896 Score: 0

    1 pt

    You were using hacks. Multiple hacks which I saw you using vs other people, and vs me when we were pvping. You were using aimbot, kill aura, and obviously anti-knockback. You can create whatever excuses you want, but you weren’t lagging, your ping was fine, and if you were lagging, you’d be knocked back a while after, but you weren’t.

    Until you admit that you were actually hacking, and stop being so rude and disrespectful, maybe you’ll have a chance of getting unbanned.

    #122915 Score: 0


    okay, I do not miss him more respect but ask any of my friends and I swear that I do not use hacks, I’m not going to accept that I am not hack it deasertman you upset me wrong.
    I have nothing more to say but I unbanned -.-
    And if I want to try deasertman hacks, if I get unbanned I will make you a PvP notch but block or potion or sword MOD OP, so normal as it should be played! XD

    #122916 Score: 0


    If you have been banned, you can apply to be reinstated, but only if this template is used:
    In game name (with proper tapas): FB11
    Why it was banned (X rays, spam, etc.) That is prohibited
    Where is forbidden (the cube, survival, etc.): Surpervivencia
    Who will not: Deasertman
    Why you should be unbanned: why not use HACKS
    Any ban appeal or do not follow the template or made more than once has a much lower chance of being accepted.
      FB11: This is my first BAN to be good PVP Eternal Cracked 1.8.x

    #122917 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I mean, when I saw this post I would have probably unbanned you, you still don’t admit your hacks but whatever, you did a proper ban appeal. BUT THEN OFC U DECIDED TO BYPASS, GJ. DENIED AGAIN

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