Ban Appeal


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal Ban Appeal

This topic contains 26 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  cookie_monst3r 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #129503 Score: 0


    In-game name (with right caps): StaticX
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.): Hacks
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.): Prison
    Who banned you: Jmillz
    Why you should be unbanned: I dont have hacks , I went to the net cafe to play minecraft because we had no internet due to the heavy rain in our place…. I reported someone and Yaseen20 told me something about a Chat IRC thing , I checked it and saw in the versions folder that it was a hack… SO I asked yaseen20 of what to do , he helped me and told me to delete it , so I deleted it and then deleted it permanently from the Recycle Bin folder….. I got Evidence to prove I am Innocent…. To those who think I do hack , believe what you believe but I really don’t hack

    Additional Info: If you can see in the pics , I deleted the hacks from the versions folder , recycle bin and I played minecraft with normal 1.8 no hacks

    #129508 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Net cafe? I don’t see any billings program there..
    (Billing = a program that shows your time limit on using that computer).

    Also, there are barely any games in your desktop. All of those programs seems like personal.

    Please note that lying will just decrease your chance to be unbanned. If you admitted your mistake and apologize properly, you could have been unbanned by now.

    #129510 Score: 0


    Idk about that clock but I’m on a peso net cafe , we use coins to play , 1 peso for 4 mins …

    #129511 Score: 0


    There are different kinds of pc in the Phil we use some are grouped according to fast and personal pc some are for gaming only , I am not lying , there is no reason for me to hack in prison , I even barely PVp there and there is no point of x-ray there too because L mine is op

    #129512 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Can you show us an evidence that you are in a net cafe? Show us the computer profile (Start Menu > Right click “Computer” > properties), or maybe take a picture of other computers / users around you in real life, then post it here

    Just because you barely PvP, doesn’t mean you won’t use hacks for your own benefit such as Xray.

    #129513 Score: 0


    Also if I did hack I would be ban sooner cuz I have oboes mods and none claimed that I hack , a guy pvped waveware and got banned but when I pvped waveware I did not , I only play in prison and factions , I spend my time mostly in prison and like what I said above I have no reason to hack

    #129514 Score: 0


    Pvped mods**** sorry autocorrect

    #129515 Score: 0

    2 pts

    What does a net cafe need utorrent? Jw (very top left icon)

    #129516 Score: 0


    It’s night time in here and I can’t take a pic and I need to study for exam I can send you a pic but still you won’t believe…
    And still I won’t get unbanned , I provided evidences yet declined and ask even more well seems like I won’t be unbanned anyways it was fun playing in EC…

    #129517 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Unless you can prove that it was indeed a net cafe within 24 hours, I will close this topic and that means your appeal got denied.

    I gave you a 24 hours time, so I don’t want to see anymore excuses.

    #129519 Score: 0


    Uhm when does this 24 hour start? I got exams this coming Thursday-Friday-Saturday 7:45-10:20 am GMT 8 Philippines anyways thank you I will do my best to take a picture using my phone

    #129520 Score: 0


    An admin should check his IP..Jusr in case

    #129522 Score: 0


    Well it’s best if I leave the server if I am considered as a hacker and a big threat .. Don’t wanna cause any more trouble to the staff…. Clock just close this topic , no more excuses just end this

    #129525 Score: 0


    Lel no pics = no proof = lies??

    #129527 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hey iStyle :) Even if Dark closes this, you can do another ban appeal (max is 2) on a new topic with the proof when you get it, anytime you want/can. Maybe you can also send it directly to Dark by skype if he agrees. All he wants is a picture of the room with the PCs + the “computer profile” (Start Menu > Right click “Computer” > properties) <– quoted from his reply because I’m a #PCnub 😛

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

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