Ban Appeal


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal Ban Appeal

This topic contains 26 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  cookie_monst3r 9 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)
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  • #129533 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Net Cafes Don’t have to be about gaming. There is some net cafes for chatting and such, but utorrent is a bit suspicious isn’t it?

    #129534 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ Yeah, there were some “suspicious” programs.

    #129537 Score: 0


    The Internet Cafe i go to doenst have Hacks or anything if it does i wouldnt be here lol
    well then this explains why u could see me in warp l behind a wall eh it all make sense now :/

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  wong224.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  wong224.
    #129552 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Wave is true.. nef cafes for chatting.. with “minecraft” xD
    As far as I know, net cafes won’t allow you to install anything that will affect the PC’s system file, they will obviously protect it. But from what I see in your desktop, it is more like a personal PC.

    Also, Dice is right, just send me those 2 evidences, or at least one of them and you will be fine..

    #129554 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Its a Personal PC, I can tell becuase, there is Skype on the side of it. Clockspeed you said this.

    ” As far as I know, net cafes won’t allow you to install anything that will affect the PC’s system file, they will obviously protect it. ”

    100% right.

    Like @ClockSpeed said lying won’t help you any how. Only will put you in a darker place.

    #129562 Score: 0


    Actually, internet cafes on our country (Philippines) are different. We have like 2 kinds of internet cafes as far as I know (I don’t really like to play on internet cafes since its very unsafe)

    A.Mall internet cafes: these are those that are located inside the mall and is heavily protected and it means you can’t do anything rather than browsing the web or uploading pictures on your fb. This costs more per minute.

    B.Street Internet Cafes: (NO AIRCONDITION DEMMIT) these are the ones located near the streets, is very unsafe (fights happen here very often),and pirated windows and all the files in it although you can do anything you want on the computer like dowloading anything you like as long as you don’t destroy it.

    I have read he said he played at a piso-net and its an internet cafe where you put your coin on the avr and it increases your play time rather than paying on the cashier for how much time you have used the computer oh and these types of internet cafes are those “STREET INTERNET CAFES”

    #129566 Score: 0


    OKay…As long as you don’t bypass,i believe it’s okay

    #129573 Score: 0


    See ? Squirt told you the truth , In net cafe there are really lots of apps , if you say street net cafe then you can download anything there even kids like 8-11 watch PG-13 stuff there without even telling their parents , so basically piso net cafe is a place with no rules… I srsly Dont Have Hacks , I even deleted and reported it… I did not benefit anything from it , I am so sorry but I will not hack… even once… but srsly that wasn’t me… :(

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  cookie_monst3r. Reason: Pg-13
    #129594 Score: 0


    This is an example of a piso net cafe : ( This is from google and this is not the net cafe I play in) , I got no camera or phone to take picture with the net cafe with… I asked the owner about more information then he told me that it was indeed his personal computer when he took the course as IT then he reused it by making it as his business which is the peso net cafe… :)

    #129604 Score: 0

    2 pts

    at first:
    “can send you a pic but still you won’t believe…”
    “thank you I will do my best to take a picture using my phone”
    “I got no camera or phone to take picture with the net cafe with…”

    contradicting yourself? not good… i smell a deny coming?

    #129605 Score: 0


    Its just one simple task yet you cant freaking do it, take someone else’s phone or camera then post it somewhere like imageur,fb or some c*** then thats it.unless the people in your area dont carry such electronics

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  RiverRunner600.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  Beijimon. Reason: Censoring
    #129607 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Lied and bypassed, and 24 hours.


Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

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