Ban Appeal


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  shaman97 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #16331 Score: 0


    Ive Got Banned For Duping  But I Didnt Know It Wasnt Allowed. Cause When I Told Nhu attala has stacked instant damage Potions Nhu Said It Dosent Really Matter Dosent Really Make A Difference. So Then Thats Why I Duped. Also In /warp bear The Very First Thing You See Is If You Shift Then Right Click You Can Have Stacked Items. So I Did That And Now Im Banned :(

    #16344 Score: 0


    You duped me for money bro, you were duping pro4 kits, and why WOULD it be allowed?? thats is poor judgement, i say still banned.

    #16350 Score: 0


    Ill Pay Back If I Get UnBanned i owe u about 75k

    #16354 Score: 0


    Ok i will wait for that 75k.

    #16355 Score: 0


    If I Get Unbanned But I Porbably Wont Cause Of You

    #16364 Score: 0


    You owe me 20k. You were selling an enchanted diamond sword, I payed you 20k, and I never got the sword. I say you should stay banned.

    #16367 Score: 0


    Yeah, I realized that Attala’s been duping items. He keeps giving  me stacks of diamonds, and I just now realized that. He said he figured out how to dupe, but I thought he was kidding. He’s been duping Butter for God Butter Apples, duping diamonds for armor, and duping Pro IV and Unbreaking III and, now I just realized, XP Bottles. Maybe this’ll help.


    (This is in SinnersCove, so I say my name is Gh0sT8 for this.)

    #16413 Score: 0


    thx Gh0sT8. But iamfriendo im not paying you 20k ive never seen u pay me and also i was selling it for 28k not 20k… so i know yur lying im not dumb.

    #16417 Score: 0


    I really dont think thats really duping cause you still have to buy allllll those armor and swords it dosent count as one. for example if  sword cost 1$ and theres 50 in stock and i buy them stacked i pay 50$ not 1$. duping is like have one sword and do a glitch that makes them 3. all in all i think its a glitch not duping.

    #16539 Score: 0


    how am i doing so far pig or Nhu?

    #16542 Score: 0


    Okay, you owe people 20k-75k, have duped gold, diamonds, armour with enchantments on them, and XP bottles. Also a bunch of people say you’ve been giving them things such as 64 stacks of butter/diamonds and tons of armour and weapons with enchants.

    But you claim it a glitch? Well have you bought more than one of an item at any shops? Such as eg. 46 Swords in stock and $1 each, but you pay for all? This may sometimes cause a glitch where they dupe.

    Also, search on YouTube for duplication glitches to try and see where you glitched/bugged.


    #16570 Score: 0


    Whoever The F*** Said i duped gold and diamond and exp bottles are soo stupid i cant even beleive cause how do i dup those?

    also the only thing i duped was armor and swords i cant dup diamonds dumba**

    Also skills u stacked up 64 picks for yur self and ask me to buy one from u and also u told me u said “Guess who has 64 god picks!!”  he has duped too so ban him too not only me. Gunsmith didnt even dup i just shared the stuff with him cause hes my friend. i was the guy who duped not him…. i admit it was me for like the 3rd time. cause he told me he got banned for duping but he didnt. soo y did u ban him i just shared the stuff with him. thats all i got to say for now.

    #16572 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    He was banned because he knew chu was duping, which is almost like he was duping.

    #16573 Score: 0


    Your disrespect shows your obvious immaturity.

    Appeal Declined.

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