Ban Appeal


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  00100101 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #133014 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: Korutopi
    When were you banned: 28/11/2015
    Why were you banned: Kill Aura
    Who banned you: 00100101
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: First of all, I do not know what is kill aura. 00100101 told me that it is about automatically killing mobs. I remember that the last thing i was doing was killing monsters at my exp farm, then I went to bathe and asked my brother who does not know how to play mc to help me left click on any mobs he see and just stay put there. when I came out of my bath room, he told me that I got banned for kill aura and I was confused at that moment. I will not ask my brother to help me kill mobs ever again, I hope that I will get unbanned. Thank you.

    #133016 Score: 0


    Uhm u dont know what kill aura is?

    [Its so Funny]

    #133017 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Thank you for making a ban appeal.
    I was spectating you killing mobs at your farm for a while, and I noticed that your head is changing the direction between mobs rapidly. To make sure you are using kill aura, I spawned a zombie behind you. You instantly turned around for 180 degrees, killed it and turned back to the mobs container instantly and continued killing mobs. All that took you maybe 0.5 seconds.Can you explain that?

    #133018 Score: 0


    I’m not sure. I wasn’t there, I’ll go ask my brother what he did.

    #133019 Score: 0


    He said he just kept clicking. What do I do now?

    #133020 Score: 0


    Am I going to be unbanned? I’ll be looking forward to your reply.

    #133021 Score: 0

    41 pts

    If you’re going to reply, try and keep everything in 1 reply, rather than making multiple replies.
    Anyways, just be patient until a moderator comes back to respond to this, they don’t ban for nothing, and people using their brother as an excuse is probably as old as this server itself.

    #133039 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Kill aura is a hack client where you instantly kill mobs that surround you while the player doesn’t attack at all.

    We detected that you were only using kill aura for mobs such as skeltons, zombies and etc.

    We also confirmed this with tests and multiple mods. Thank you

    #133044 Score: 0

    I think yall mean MOB aura.
    Kill aura is for players AND mobs.
    Most hackers use MOB aura, to prevent getting banned when he didn’t want to try to hit people.

    #133159 Score: 0

    7 pts

    @Palace_Destroyer It’s not important what kind of cheat he uses.
    @Korutopi You will be unbanned since this is the first time you got banned in factions. If it happens again that we catch you cheating – you will be banned permanently from the server.
    Have a nice day ~

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