Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #32951 Score: 0


    My in-game name is ” Jeremy41 ”
    I don’t re-call who banned me since it was like a month ago or so.
    I was banned for using x-ray.
    I was banned maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago. i can’t really remember.
    I think the reason i should be un-banned is because this, my brother used x-ray and thought it was funny to ban me. That isn’t the real deal here. The reason i should be un-banned is because i Learned the consequences for having a mod that lets you cheat in any way, shape, or form. I originally installed that mod to let me cheat in single-player. some other people on this page tell me i could just use cheats and get me the diamonds or whatever i’m looking for. i actually wanted to use effort to get the ores other than just giving me the ores or the materials i needed. I take full responsibility for what my brother has done and I too have learned a valueable lesson, never use mods to cheat on ANY server, no matter what situation it is.
    and last but not least, i was banned from Survival. hopefully you guys can help me.

    #32957 Score: 0

    2 pts

    3rd ban appeal, I think it might be time for you to stop appealing.
    Take a hint.

    And you’re still blaming your brother, and still trying to defend having Xray. Until you admit the responsibility was yours and not your brothers and stop trying to justify having Xray no one is going believe you. (Not that anyone will believe you now after all those ban appeals and denial of responsibility.)

    #32963 Score: 0

    Sydamon Cinnamon

    ADCKnight, he has said it 3 times, and you don’t believe that he’s learned his lesson? And he does say he has learned his lesson.

    #32964 Score: 0

    Sydamon Cinnamon

    I’m not trying to defend him, but seriously.

    #32970 Score: 0

    2 pts

    But he hasn’t learned anything, he’s still blaming his brother, he’s still defending the fact that he has XRay installed and he’s still acting like he’s the victim in all this.

    #32971 Score: 0


    How many times was he banned? if its just the first time i think he could be unbanned but still up to the mods. But if its the second time den i think he wont be unbanned

    #32972 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It’s your first offense, don’t do it again, unbanned

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