Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Badboy 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #34274 Score: 0


    My Name In MineCraft is slomerde.
    badboy banned me.
    I was banned for XRaying in /wild when I did not.
    I was banned today.
    I should be unbanned because I did not XRayed, I don’t have any hack tools, and I was just getting lucky with a couple of ores.
    I was banned from survival server.

    #34279 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I think you should be unbanned, for this is your first offense.

    #34282 Score: 0


    badboy said : “I usually don’t post on xray appeals unless people call me out like you just did. I watched you mine straight to diamond twice in the pitch black, there was no lighting, I also remember xmanfull, he was also mining in the dark, looking around in the dark, and continuously heading into and mining ores. Ban appeal denied.” I think he is a noob. All of you probably know that there is more than one method to mine. And for the blackness, only a noob can’t increase his lightness in the options, and he is just an amazing asshole. Spying on others, searching any good reasons to ban a player!!! I would never do that. I shall quit the server, then if badboy is a bitch. badboy is obviously a 10 year old that was put moderator and he is abusing of his rights.

    #34284 Score: 0


    slomerde, you said your going to quit the server, if your going to bad mouth badboy169, why don’t you just leave. Seriously…(talking to myself) Do people really think calling someone a bitch will help them get unbanned…

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  vegeta417885.
    #34286 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Good Luck getting unbanned now

    #34287 Score: 0


    Well, I am quiting now. This is the first server I played in my life but, you will never see me again. Good bye.

    #34288 Score: 0

    13 pts

    If it’s your first offence. Shouldn’t you receive a 24-hours ban?

    #34291 Score: 0

    Sydamon Cinnamon

    Fine. Leave. I’m pretty sure that all most everyone likes badboy as a mod. Say I if you agree with me.

    #34292 Score: 0


    Bye. Hope you NEVER come back

    #34294 Score: 0


    I agree with you Sydhead. Badboy is a very professional mod, and he simply carried out a duty for the sake of this server and the balance of it.

    Spying on others, searching any good reasons to ban a player!!!

    No, in EC mods have never banned for no reason. They aren’t trying to abuse their permissions because they are all good-hearted people. The fact that you think you deserve to be unbanned after all those insults highlights why you actually don’t deserve to be unbanned and that you handle such situations immaturely, resorting to proxies which will only make things worse.


    #38957 Score: 0


    It’s not my intention or goal in life to spend my time spying on random players and just looking forward to banning someone, it’s not my fault you wanted to go ahead and break the rules, I just looked into it and enforced the punishment for breaking that specific rule. I’m also not ten years old, which is funny lol. Another thing, being Guardian or Expert isn’t a right, it’s a privilege that I choose to fulfill so I can keep things in order and provide a nice and fair gaming environment that isn’t riddled with xrayers/hackers.

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