ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal ban appeal

This topic contains 32 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Garnachos 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #54594 Score: 0


    In-game name:nikosx26
    Why you have been banned:spam,disrespect
    Where you are banned:survival
    Who banned you:shaman
    Why you should be unbanned:cuz i learned my lesson and its been almost 1 year since i last played and i miss the server

    #54597 Score: 0


    “i learned my lesson” is such an overused reason… seriously?

    #54601 Score: 0


    you are mad just cuz dime got banned so stop coming to my appeals and annoy me just cuz you hate me

    #54604 Score: 0


    #54605 Score: 0


    You didn’t seem to learn your lesson the way you are insulting him and how does dimme getting banned have anything to do with this?

    #54606 Score: 0


    insult? dime was his best friend he hated us how do i insult him when he hates me

    #54607 Score: 0


    Much grammar. Very punctuation. Such correct. Wow.

    #54612 Score: 0


    Guys please do not joke in ban appeals..

    #54613 Score: 0


    us i ment my friends 2

    #54657 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Hi! Ok let’s start voting. :/
    First of all, your reason why you have been banned only results in mutes, if it was made for tons of times it would result for temp bans only. You look like you have done it so many times you got perm banned. Learned your lesson or not, you deserve it for this amount of disrespect and spam.
    Second of all is the reason why you should be unbanned. Learning your lesson, like Xavier said, is an overused reason. Almost every ban appeal that used that reason was denied, it never gave us a good reason to unban you. From the way you have replied back to Xavier, you look like you still disrespect, showing clearly that you didn’t learn your lesson. So there is no reason to unban you, again.
    Third of all is this:
    “you are mad just cuz dime got banned so stop coming to my appeals and annoy me just cuz you hate me”
    You know every player on the server has the permission to visit on any ban appeal and reply on it, if it wasn’t the mod team would remove the permission for members to reply on ban appeals. So he isn’t disrespecting you, he is replying on a ban appeal like any other.

    ~Survival Expert Mod: TheHighOreo

    #54662 Score: 0


    I don’t know you so I will say that if you have been banned for spamming and being disrespectful means you shouldn’t be unbanned since if you spam or you are being disrespectful means:
    1.You get mutted by a mod or a donor.
    2.You get kicked by a mod or a donor.
    3.You might get a temp Ip ban.
    4.Well you have to have a big mouth to get perm banned

    So I don’t pretty think you will be unbanned if you are being disrespectful even now when xavier commented on your ban appeal.Also learning your lesson isn’t a good enough reason.How can we know that IF you get unbanned you wont start being disrespectuf again? Huh?

    #54674 Score: 0


    I didnt get temp ban i got ip banned

    #54689 Score: 0


    So will i get unbanned or not

    #54693 Score: 0


    If you continue to disrespect no.

    #54695 Score: 0


    1. Stop spamming the forums
    2. It doesn’t look like you learned your lesson the way you are insulting xav. He has the right to comment and you should prove you have changed by being respectful to him. Instead you are insulting him implying you have not changed.

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