Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  IVI4ST3R 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #63497 Score: 0


    Hello everybody,I believe many of you remember me…Im old server player which got banned recently for bypassing ban (which I thought i was unbanned).Anyways….is there anything I can do to get unbanned?I know you all know I was decent,polite player (until i was teased).I don’t remember who banned me and why but I really really think you should give me another chance because im server veteran (1.5 years of playing it).Thank you for reading I hope you will support me in this Ban Appeal and I wish you all best!
    -IVI4ST3R 😉

    #63498 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Sorry dude, but if you ever wanted a chance to get unbanned, you need to use the ban appeal template.
    If it wasn’t used, hour appeal will be denied.

    #63501 Score: 0

    Don’t make another topic. Just reply here with the correct ban appeal.

    #63503 Score: 0


    Being a veteran does not mean you get a free pass to being unbanned. Apparently you have bypassed ban over 10 times and on top of that you had scammed multiple times. I do not feel you are a player worth unbanning due to these factors.

    Use the template and make a proper ban appeal IN THIS SAME TOPIC. I am voting you down on your ban appeal but others may think otherwise.

    #63509 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I’d vote down, you bypassed ban, and made tons of ban appeals after that, I think.

    #63511 Score: 0



    #63525 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Even if you do make a proper ban appeal. I suggest you be kept banned. You wanted to bypass a ban and be impatient to get unbanned. You could’ve just waited and people could’ve thought you as a better person and you might’ve had a chance to return. But nope, you’ve soiled your assignment, that’s all I can say.

    #63527 Score: 0



    #63532 Score: 0


    Yes i bypassed ban,that is true i bypassed because i thought i was unbanned bongo once told me that it was a mistake and that he understands my bypass…And this is false i never scammed in my whole life,if you get evidence please post it here rogue art.

    #63533 Score: 0


    Ok here is the right 1 ban appeal:
    Ban from:I believe it was Deasertman but not sure
    Why you should be unbanned:I think i should be unbanned because I liked server so much and swear that I changed and that I will never ever again get warning in server.I was stupid and immature back then,but now I changed because I started playing other games where people are much mature,and yeah now I am older and I will never ever make same mistake,so please give me another chance you don’t know how much this server worths to me.I want to see all my friends again and chat with them.

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