Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 11 years ago.

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  • #60462 Score: 0


    My in-game nick name : zayed7
    Banned by : bongo
    Banned because : make a duplicate machine
    Banned in : survival

    to try it I get busy and I did not duplicate and when I was going ( busy) I did not care about it and I was so lazy to destroy it so I keep it for no reason and then I called wither ( trail mod ) to help me make a cactus farm he agreed then he walked all they way at my house and he saw it so he tould me is this duplicate machine and he tpa Xavier to hem and then he said he can’t help me and I tould hem I’m not using it because it doesn’t work so after that I joined and I was banned but I did not duplicate or know that this is not allowed I even want to get punish like temp ban and lure but not ban forever and it did not work when I try it but when bongo tryed it works but I swear I did not duplicate ( rails ) I even want to erase all rails I got in my chest as a proof and what I just want to not ban me forever Iv played a lot more than 1 year and Iv been get banned for stupid duplicate machine I we’ll destroy it but please give me a chance it’s my falt but guys give me one chance I did not know that this works

    And thnx / sorry for my bad English


    • This topic was modified 11 years ago by  zayed7. Reason: Spilling
    • This topic was modified 11 years ago by  zayed7. Reason: Wrong words / spilling
    #60465 Score: 0


    Guys am I Guilty or Innocent

    #60466 Score: 0


    You are Guilty And I don’t think you will get banned :
    Too lazy to destroy it really 0.o u cannot distroy some blocks
    Even if it doesn’t work a duplicating machine is a duplicating machine
    Reasons are not very good : I Like this server …
    U still have some chance to get unbanned cause it was the first time .

    #60467 Score: 0


    Guilty. Why would you make it in the first place if you knew you were going to get banned? You have seen people get banned for duping before…

    #60468 Score: 0


    @AgentLOL *unbanned
    Minecraft may be derpy,but it doesn’t check on who’s playing it. If it didn’t work for you,but it worked when Bongo tried,it’s either because you did something or because you are lying. And why did you try to build it in the first place? It’s common sense that duping is a way of cheating.

    #60469 Score: 0



    We have came up with this. As you have always been a loyal member without any serious reports/warnings we will take away 1.000.000 of your ingame-money.

    You’re now unbanned,have fun on the servers.

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