ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal ban appeal

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 10 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #61100 Score: 0


    pls unban me , because , me and my brother are using the same internet , so the same ip , but me and my brother made an account called (goodman) to contact with admin and mods , like bongo and fibijean , those guys that i really trust , so , i waited untill they be online , and one day ive been unbanned , and months ago , thats mean now , got banned again , thats my life story , so pls pls unban me , i will be good and the perfect player , no spam , no grifing , no hacking , no bad words , pls this server is all what i got :(

    #61101 Score: 0


    Please follow the template. It can be found here:

    #61103 Score: 0


    Besides the template missing which you will need to make. Your brother has been given an exception, so he can still play. You where tempbanned as there was no higher rank mod to ban you. So thats why you got automaticly unbanned why you really should have been banned.

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