Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  DefinitlyMichael 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #9584 Score: 0


    Well, after raiding quite a few towns, wild bases, and the occasional mining chest.

    I was reported for having full chests and then I was banned for duping because I had pretty much everything a duper would have. Stacks of solar panels, a stack of diamond blocks, stacks of circuts, and what ever else sounds like a lot.

    I don’t really have any other explaination besides the one already given.

    When raiding report suspicious chests.

    I hope to be unbanned. If not I’d be pretty disapointed Because there goes what little of a life I have.

    #9593 Score: 0


    Well that was weird I had gotten on tekkit to see if I was unbanned and it let me online. So I was immediately banned again. Check the ip I logged in from, no proxies, and it seems the reason I was banned has changed it is now exploiting instead of duping.

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