lying saying that you were banned FOR SOMETHING ELSE other then hacks will probably not get you far, just go ahead and read the first couple lines of your ban appeal for hacks
Jmmillz first of all I didn’t say all of them second I said miss understood trollson banned me I thought he banned me for hacks so I made a ban appeal about hacking …… Etc that’s all the story xD
And yes trollson banned me for hacks he thought I admit hacking while I was trying to tell him something else then my friend made him know what I meant but it was to late and I was just sumbit the ban appeal then trollson unbanned me
Its funny because I remember him hacking and I got him killed by tnt in hg cause of his hacks, I call him hack and he says no next round ill rekt you. Next round he ended me in 2 shots at full health and called me noob, I dun hack lmao
Jaansher I had stone sword and tnt and u did have no armor and I had speed potion and threw poison on u ….. And also u never called me a hacker and I never said no so don’t create up stores please also I didn’t call u as hacker I never called anyone a hacker just at kit pvp and those ppl who I called hackers got banned
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by _Zko7_.
Am not am just posting my ban appeal hoping for another chance …… Also In the video that made me get banned it doesn’t show any hack sign why do u say there is ? Ur making it while it’s not there and btw i gtg
Wither in the ban appeal I didn’t admit hacking I knew u would miss understand and ander in the video my nick name is _Zko7_ I think ur talking about bummer I wasn’t in the end of the video bummer was I logged out in the half of the video and I was just knocking BO2 then logged out after that u can see that in the video check again bummer is another person and he was in the end of the video it wasn’t me
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