Ban appeal _Zko7_


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal Ban appeal _Zko7_

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #114456 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: (_Zko7_/Zayed7 <—- ALT)
    When were you banned: (Don’t Remem Long ago)
    Why were you banned: (Hacks; O!!!)
    Who banned you: (*Wither* ;D)

    (First of all Since Factions retested (00100101)TOLD me why not give it a chance and ban appeal again, I told me I had done this before, long ago many times and wither Didn’t accept it and he said dw just try so why not give it a chance

    Why do you think you should be unbanned:(I think I should be banned because i want to play again And Have Fun And if Wither believed of me hacking well what am going to say its ok am sorry and I apologize for Breaking the rule and I hope I can have another chance because i think Factions is more fun than before and i really want to try it so Can i Please Have a chance ? )

    edit: Saif33 _Sko33_ is my twin bro and bummer is my older brother and i dont have anything to do with them and this ban appeal is just for me not for them

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  _Zko7_.
    #114466 Score: 0

    14 pts

    You were banned more than once for hacking, and you deny that you hack.

    Everyone that is in the same ip as are all banned for hacking at least once.

    #114467 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I think he should get one more chance, it’s been like 8 months since he got banned >_>

    #114475 Score: 0


    “If you really liked the server, you wouldn’t have broken the rules >_>”
    “This is your second perm-ban on factions dude, I don’t know if you’ll be unbanned”
    Everyone in the ip has been banned for hacking once and you got banned twice? wao. How do you expect dem to trust you that you won’t hack.

    #114481 Score: 0


    takoballball it’s not my fault that most of my family plays minecraft + they hacks

    And I really wanna play again so can you give me one more chance wither ?

    #114514 Score: 0

    7 pts


    Please understand that you will not be given anymore chances in the future.

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