Ban Appeal: Andysemier


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal: Andysemier

This topic contains 16 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #62294 Score: 0


    In Game Name: Andysemier
    Why you been banned: griefing
    Where are you banned: survival
    Who banned you: vsub391
    Why you should be unbanned: This is the truth, but my brother is doing this and I m getting mad. I won’t let him use my computer again. Also, I had much fun on the server. Lastly, I was going to give things back to emperorjoash 3 days ago, when I found out, but he wasn’t on. So today, I didn’t have a chance to give him the stuff. When, I logged back in, I was banned.And this is really hard for me and for the last chance, please unban me.

    #62296 Score: 0


    #ItsMyBro, BUT this can be believable since you don’t usually act like this it’s not like all reasons blaming brothers are fake and lie’s. I guess we’ll have to see what EmperorJoash thinks and see if he forgives you, which i’m sure he will if he get’s refunded and stuff. So idk for now

    #62298 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Andy, this is your second offense, just saying.. I don’t think you’ll be unbanned.

    #62311 Score: 0


    I am not forgiving you anymore ! I already forgive. You twice!
    1.i build a house for you out of lapiz block and you took the lapiz and replace is with iron ores and took the clay and replace it with cobblestone.
    2. You grief twice already! And I don’t believe you anymore !
    3. You said you won’t leave my town but you did , you said you
    Love my town and would never leave . (Lie)
    So I am not forgiving you anymore .

    #62312 Score: 0


    Oh yeah (I won’t let him use the computer anymore ) so you let him played ? Your problem!

    #62315 Score: 0


    This is your second offense i belive! I dont think you’ll be unban! Im so sorry

    #62324 Score: 0


    This was your 2nd ban for griefing the SAME town, I dont think you should be unbanned.

    #62326 Score: 0


    i dont think you will be unbanned emperorjoash dont forgive you anymore sorry.

    #62332 Score: 0


    Honestly i am with you Man …. Small Brothers can ruin stuff !! But still : you allowed him to play with your computer . Sorry but imma Vote Middle Watch out next Time Man . If you get banned than i am sorry …. Bettah Watch out for da future.
    -Da boy dat is unknown SlimeHunter

    #62335 Score: 0

    Let’s do this, CornBorp style…

    Take a pic of you and your brother, and post it here

    #62338 Score: 0


    I found a new server ahahaha

    #62340 Score: 0


    Grieving allow!!

    #62343 Score: 0


    ^^^ Get him outta EC.

    #62345 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Hola! :3 New server? Congrats! 😀 I’ll just tell you something that I just can’t help saying. D: You ready? Idc. 😀
    Got a new server? :O Good fo…. bad for you… .-. You just found it, huh? So you are basically a starter there. So you will have some hard time dealing with the pros there. Simply, build, get griefed, rebuild, griefed again, rebuild again, griefed again, rage quit. So since griefing is allowed, that’s bad for you. So you are simply going to either look for an 3rd server, or come back on EC and apologize for what you did and said. Oh and another thing, next time you come on the forums and insult us making yourself look like you don’t even care about what we did, make sure to use some logic before doing that.
    Look again on what this thing is called, webchat. Logically, people are here to speak, not stay silent…. duh! Telling them to shut up was simply something that made you look like a total joke. So yeah, now you found a new server, get off these forums, enjoy the server that you will get trolled at, and be smart next time you insult someone.
    P.S. If you ever tried saying it’s your brother who did that, include a pick (yeah, pick, not pic. XD) of you and your brother, that way, we will believe that you actually have a brother that did that.

    #62350 Score: 0


    Let me go ahead and leave a side note. And this is for you and other players that believe leaving with a enraged memory is a funny thing. See, we aren’t going to welcome people like you back. Simply due to the fact that you cannot stop acting like a total arrogant derp.
    And we especially don’t like people like you. “I have a new server hahaha.” See. We don’t care. Why? Because we have the best server known. People have fun NOT getting griefed by people like you. So leave if you would like, but you won’t be coming back.

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