Ban Appeal BlueSmith68


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal BlueSmith68

This topic contains 13 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  ZeeKingEpic 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #93294 Score: 0


    hello my friend,Today i get banned Because Xray and the story before this:I am so sory For use Xray I just want to now what is Xray? 1 time i use and also Get banned In Survival.if you Read This Ban appel,plis my life just for survival and Plis Help me to Get back to Survival :<.That all
    I Love You Guys [Dont thing i am Gay xD] Peace Love Survival….

    #93298 Score: 0


    For me you must to be unbanned 😀

    #93299 Score: 0


    in game name? BlueSmith68
    Why i get banned? Xray
    i get banned in :survival
    banned Bye;Psycho9
    Why i must get unbanned: BEcause i love Survival and Survivla is my life,plis I realy love play survival.I hope you Guys Help me and Trust me Thanks For help ;D

    #93300 Score: 0


    Thaks KalooGamer ;D

    #93301 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Blue is a trustable person, in my opinion, he’s one of the least likely guys to be using x-ray, I’m gonna choose Vote to unban him

    #93302 Score: 0


    omg i love you ander ;D jk Thanks again

    #93303 Score: 0

    20 pts

    please avoid spamming your appeal (Spamming: Creating multiple replies in a row on one thread, specifically ban appeals)

    #93306 Score: 0


    Blue, you is a nice friend that I have in survival.I know you love survival so much but you should not use X-ray and never try it even you don’t know what is it. Since you have helped many peoples and being a trustable person, I vote to unban you

    #93307 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I also personally think Blue does not use X-ray it was a mistake (most probably) but I can’t be completely sure but I also vote to unban him

    #93308 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ^ Lel, tell him what’s xraying 😛

    I just want to now what is Xray?

    X-ray hacks show you the coordinates of the nearest valuable ores, maybe the mob spawners as well (to find dungeons), not sure. Also, an arrow appears on the middle of the screen and tells you where to find those things.
    That way, you mine way faster, and know where to go to get ores = more stuff.

    Do you remember mining and getting very lucky, like getting 5 diamonds every 3 minutes? Anyway, we need Psycho to come. Most likely, you’ll be unbanned; even if you were really using xrays, it’s your first offense (I said “most likely”).

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: Almost forgot. If you’re lying and did, use xray, just say it; lying in a ban appeal reduces your chances of getting unbanned (you seem sincere tho). 😉

    #93309 Score: 0


    Blue is a good player, he is very helpul
    so blue you must be unban because our town needs Co-mayor :( we do not have any Assistant yet,

    I vote to unban BlueSmith68

    #93310 Score: 0


    I say unban him

    Blue i vote to unban you but next time don’t do it again 😀

    #93317 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I vote to Unban him because all the time I’ve played with him he has not lied to me once and is very trustworthy in my opinion.
    Also X-Ray is mini maps that show mobs and the land structure.

    #93319 Score: 0


    Ok Unbanned But U ll be banned for the next 24Hours it wont be a perm ban Becs its the first offence But watch out next time becs it ll be a perm one And Guys you cant vote on ban appeals

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