Ban appeal By:AlejoGamerr


Home Forums Creative Ban Appeal Ban appeal By:AlejoGamerr

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  AlejoGamerr 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #73780 Score: 0


    Why were you banned?
    the reason for my ban which it was not but when trying to go tells me that I was banned for grifear a tal: ffv4 or something, really have no idea or do not remember who will be and if hize, I apologize for what happened to sometimes I paid my premium account and I would do but she donot not know the password.
    In spanish:
    la razon de mi ban no se cual fue pero al intentar entrar me dice que fui baneado por grifear a un tal: ffv4 o algo asi, la verdad no tengo idea o no recuerdo quien sera y si lo hize, pido disculpas por lo sucedido a veces le prestaba la cuenta a mi prima y nose que haria pero ella ya no sabe la contraseña.
    Where were you banned?
    in creative server
    Why Should you be unbanned?
    I want to remove the ban eternal craft because I love the people there are out there I like to help people and is one of the best sv in which I played.
    in spanish:
    quiero que me quiten el ban porque me encanta eternal craft la gente que hay ahi me gusta ayudar a la gente y es uno de los mejores sv en los que he jugado.

    #73781 Score: 0

    16 pts

    We don’t really need the Spanish, but both are still good though. If this is your first ban, you’ll most likely be unbanned.

    #73785 Score: 0


    I’m kind of confused at the reason of your ban, did someone go on your acc and get you banned?

    #73811 Score: 0


    Heeeeeeeeeeeelp Unban me pls :c

    #74285 Score: 0



    #74291 Score: 0


    Graciaaaaaaaaaaaaas c:

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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