ban-appeal… [[Faction]]


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal ban-appeal… [[Faction]]

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 10 years ago.

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  • #89122 Score: 0

    Ingame Name: zSLayerPvPz
    When were you banned: today
    Why were you banned: Sprint Hack…
    Who banned you: MaximoS
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: I never said ” i Have Rei Minimap” lol… No evidence bad Mod … And sprint hack wtf’??? In which world you live lol…. Sprint toggle (auto sprinting basically) i don’t have Rei minimap i don’t have My mods Shaders Armor gui and Sprint toggle..
    Here i give you a (Tutorial) To see if you upgrade In mods 😉

    #89129 Score: 0

    7 pts

    If you seek proof that much, next time, think before saying. I should unban you because it is your first offense, but with the reason you gave, I am increasing the time.

    Topic Closed.
    Ban Expires In 2 Weeks.

    Proof Of Pictures Are Here:

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  maxminoS.
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