Ban Appeal For denis123


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal For denis123


This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #70991 Score: 0


    In Game Name: denis123
    Banned For: Admiting for Hacks
    Time: 9/7/2014
    Why Shall I Get Unbanned:
    I Said To Chat Just For A Joke ” I’m A Hacker” cause i had The “Hackers” Skin And Then “TheHighOreo” Banned Me Without Proofs.
    My Friend Said To Him That I Didn’t Hack. He Didn’t Wanted To Hear To My Friend And He Started Joking First He Banned Me For 24H now He Made It For Ever.

    Banned By: TheHighOreo

    Moderators Like This Shouldn’t Be On Server…Cause He Didn’t Even Had Proof That I Hacked I Just Joked On The Chat!

    #70993 Score: 0


    Hacking is not a laughing matter, and will never, and should ever be taken as a joke. Oreo did the right thing, and you have no right to say who should and shouldn’t be moderators. Now, i suggest if you want any chance of getting unbanned, you should show some respect to the server, and realize we have control whether you play on the server, not you.

    #70994 Score: 0

    3 pts


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