Ban Appeal for Ender243


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal Ban Appeal for Ender243

This topic contains 17 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #85427 Score: 0


    Wow skipper is trying to screw us up. As Jia said, we need to see the solid evidence that king has before coming up to a verdict. Again the mods are humans not robots/computer hence they also made mistakes like the 3 accidental bans recently towards Amanuelcool, Redz4life and seski. Like most people said, Ender is a good player and they (and me) hopes he will be unbanned. So I hope the mods REALLY, I repeat, REALLY think critically before coming up with a real verdict, (Plus showing the solid RELIABLE evidence shown to everyone) and hope this get read by all mods.



    P.S. (I had to do this whlie I am out shopping which got me scolded a few times, hope this is really worth the scolding. Why am I always this busy… I am now called a 24/7 boy…)

    #85433 Score: 0


    Alright I know I am not really supposed to do that, but I am gonna talk as a SV mod not a prison one. If this is your first ban, then there is a really high chance that you are getting unbanned. Also,don’t even think of bypassing. One last thing: tbh you seem like a good guy and meh not the type of person that would use hacks but oh well. LET THE MODS DECIDE (prison ones :P)

    O also about my first comment; like 90% of the players that are accused for kill aura say that it was due to lag.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  ZznabelaA.
    #85438 Score: 0


    Ban changed to 24 hours
    You will be unbanned automatically tomorrow :)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  FuriousKnight.
Viewing 3 posts - 16 through 18 (of 18 total)

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