Ban Appeal for IcyGFX


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal for IcyGFX

This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  IcyGFX 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8905 Score: 0


    Ok I havent been on the server at all and still have not been given a reason why i was banned. I try and join one day and it says im banned. Id really need an answer for the reason in which i was banned. Please tell me why i was banned from the Tekkit server  i hadnt done anything in which would result in a ban.                                                      -IcyGFX

    P.S. I need an answer because i really enjoyed the server and have never done anything wrong. Zac please help

    #8906 Score: 0


    If it helps i hadnt been on the server in 24 hrs prior to me being banned. So withing 24 hrs i was banned and hadnt done anything. So please give me a reason in why i was banned.

    #8907 Score: 0


    Hmm, The logs Dont Show Anything, Ill Look Into It Further Tommorow, For now, Just be  patient.

    #8914 Score: 0


    Im trying to be patient lol what confuses me is i was banned when i wasnt even online.

    #8915 Score: 0


    Do you have any friends/relatives that play on the server from your house?

    #8918 Score: 0


    No Chi i don’t i dont understand why i was banned.

    #8919 Score: 0


    Im sorry if it sounds like im complaining i just dont understand how i can get banned and not even be online.

    #8920 Score: 0


    Vote down cool story bro

    #8955 Score: 0


    Ok so i got more information on why i was banned. Apparently i got banned for spamming the F word on the tekkit server i was wondering if there were logs that could be checked so i can find out when it happened. I hadnt been on to spam the f word and i dont see why i cant have these things explained to me…. I had only been on the server for less than a week why would i spam the f word???? Please give me some information on this because  i feel like i was banned unjustly and havent gotten any proof that i said these things. I got banned when  i wasnt online and i want to see the logs if there is any on why this happened so that i can try and figure out what happened. I also believe someone hacked my mc account to gain access to it, and maybe thats how i got banned.

    #9030 Score: 0


    And of course when i ask for some proof for why i was banned i get nothing. Get some staff that actually do shit besides just ban…

    #9031 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Uhhh…….. Icy, why don’t you ask yourself about what you have done?


    #9165 Score: 0


    I never spammed chat with the f word jesus christ. I had my account hacked so i think its screwed up that i get banned and i hadnt even been on my account


Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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